

Today there are many different philosophies prevalent in our society. We are threatened by political correctness, afraid to offend anyone with the truth. Laws are being passed which protect immorality. Our children are being taught in schools that they must be tolerant of lifestyles which contradict the principals of our Christian faith. Many times the people we work with, neighbors, and prominent media figures treat our Christian values as if they were archaic and irrelevant in our modernistic society.

We know what we believe to be ethical, logical, honorable and virtuous. Yet, when we are bombarded with the profane, we need validation of our convictions. What better way to center ourselves in the truth than to turn to the word of God. When the attitudes which surround us seem topsy-turvey and we begin to feel like "social dinosaurs" let us be comforted by the words of Jesus. In Matthew 24:35 we are reminded that "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." (KJV) Also in I Peter 1:25 we find "but the word of the Lord endureth forever." (KJV)

Let us then refuse to be intimidated or swayed by current trends and ideas. Instead let's remember to read and meditate on the Holy scriptures. We experience such peace and stability when we saturate ourselves in God's word. And when we are filled with the truth we will "Always be prepared to gave an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." I Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Written by CF

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