

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert (the wilderness is not a place of punishment but a place of privacy) and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor (means trouble) A DOOR OF HOPE (God redeems situations). There she will sing (respond) as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master’.........Amplified Bible

What does this say…God is leading me into the desert, a solitary place, a place I
don’t understand…and in this strange place He is going to speak to me, in this
hard place I will hear Him, He will be near to me and provide for me, this will
be a place of privacy for Him and me…but He says this place of trouble will be
redeemed and become a place where I begin to have new hope. It is in this desert
wilderness I WILL GAIN HOPE. This does not compute. I should have blessings
in easy situations, where the goodness and honey flows...but not here. There are
times God leads us into the wilderness to speak tenderly to us. Then, after we
have heard His voice in this place, He begins to restore and redeem our lives,
and we sing, have joy, and respond to the Lord’s voice as when we first knew
Him. Have you ever experienced this first love’s joy after coming though to the
other side of something hard? What do we take out of it? The Lord says it is here
that you begin to call me “my husband” and no longer call me “my master.” He’s
our husband, our covering, our provider, our healer, our protector, our lover.

Ah, my friends, be blessed today for the One who understands all things is
walking with you…

Written by Kathy Bireley

1 comment:

  1. I believe that life is lived in a garden and in a desert...or if you prefer in a valley or on a mountain top. It is in the desert or in the valley that you learn the lessons God wants to give you. Then you get the garden or mountain top experience for a while to relish what has been learned. After that you go to the next learning/growing time.

    It is true throughout life the Valley of Achor (means trouble)becomes A DOOR OF HOPE (God redeems situations)if we allow Him to lead us.

    Thanks, Kathy!
