
How Great Thou Art

Devotional for 6/25/11

This is a repost by Amie Spruiell from 2010

Everything under heaven belongs to Him and was created for His enjoyment
Have you ever gotten those circulating emails that have slide shows of award
winning pictures of nature?

Those spectacular views belong to Him for His enjoyment...
What about the ones that have pictures of those remarkably weird underwater
creatures that human eyes have never seen but have been captured by
technologically advanced cameras and what about the ones that we haven’t

They belong to Him for His enjoyment...

Sure He told mankind to rule over the creatures He made…the birds of the air,
the sea creatures, the land animals, and everything that moves, but He did not
create those creatures for the sole purpose to be ruled over.

They too were created for Him for His enjoyment...

I’ve read that there are 10 million colors that can be seen in a single viewing
condition, but multiply that by God knows how many different conditions and you
definitely have an infinite number of colors to experience.

That’s right. He came up with that for His enjoyment.

Nice that we get to enjoy it too!
And let’s not even get started on the number of possible musical sounds…a
piano alone could produce 8,400 possible chords.

He enjoys sounds…especially joyful sounds!

It gives me chills to think about an estimated 10 septillion stars…10 to the 24th
power stars in the universe. We’re told that the heavenly bodies are there for
signs and seasons, and they have worked well for signs and seasons especially in
the days of exploration, but we are now learning about their beauty. Thanks to
technology such as The Hubble Space Telescope, we can peek into a truly
breathtaking place in the universe. But for millions of people on our planet who
do not believe in the God of creation, it appears to them that space’s beauty has
all been in vain…existing for (how ever many years they might conjure up their
minds) with no one to enjoy it until now, and so they give thanks to technology
that finally it’s beautiful nebulas can be appreciated for “supposedly” the first time.

But God created it all for His enjoyment, and He’s been enjoying it since the
beginning! And He has allowed mankind to acquire the intelligence needed to
have a fractional glimpse of it…

How magnificent! How unbelievably glorious His creation is! But what’s even
more unbelievable is that the creation has no clue how great it is. Think about
that as you admire creation…it’s not possible for all of creation to know how
great it is. Not all of creation was given the capability of complete thought…of
reason, understanding, and appreciation…mankind alone was blessed with that
gift. Mountains do not know how high off the ground they rise, oceans do not
know how deep their waters stretch and stars do not know how numerous they
are. Colors and music cannot appreciate their artistic beauty. And although
many animals can enjoy comfort, process thought, and even mourn loss, they
definitely cannot reason with each other the vast “how’s” and “why’s” of the
mysteries of the universe.

We were created for God’s enjoyment and to enjoy His creation right
along with Him…even better…we were made in His image, the only part of
His creation to grasp and wrap our minds around how great it is!

Who can possibly think up the amazing biology of the ear, the eye, the nose, the
mouth, and the entire nervous system and connect them all to a central control
center to process the information coming in and going out through those
channels? We may be able to study and learn how it works, but only God can
conceive in His mind and create with His hands the physical image of Himself.
Of course we’re limited to an extent and cannot see all that He sees, hear all that
He hears, nor know all that He knows. We’re not God, but we are still in His
image. To those who are born deaf, they cannot comprehend sound. For those
who are born blind, they cannot conceive in their minds visual images or color.

The mind is only as good as what goes into it, but God’s mind needed nothing to
go into it in order for wonders to come out. And you are a wonder!

You were created for His glory 
even when you don’t feel or seem glorious

It sometimes seems like a curse to know so much…to know how your own
choices affect everyone around you…to know how it feels to fail…to know how
it feels to let people down, and to let ourselves down. To know how many
different ways we can mess up. It is a curse. It happened when the first man ate
from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So, if that hadn’t
happened…would we all know how great we are? Must we have an
understanding of evil in order to have an understanding of good to the point of
calling it great? Pity how this knowledge of the bad gets in the way of the
knowledge of the good. We forget that we’re a greater design than Van Gogh’s
paintings, Beethoven’s symphonies, and Michelangelo’s sculptures. In God’s
eyes, we’re greater than the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and more beautiful 
than the majestic feather design of the male peacock. We’re more amazing than
spewing volcanoes, and more important than splitting atoms. And yes, we’re
even looked upon with joy more than the unknown number of nebulas are looked
upon…nebulas that are thousands and even millions of light years away hidden
from the view of mankind for thousands of years and now captured through a lens
that transports the images back to earth so we can view what God has always
known was there and become awestruck by it’s magnificence. That which it 
does not even know it is.

But we are God’s masterpieces, not the nebulas!

We are so much greater than all of these things that He decided to step into
human flesh and become one of us. He did not become an animal, or a star, or a
tree. The One who created these wonders became one of us so that we can know
how much we mean to Him. He took our curse upon Himself so that His
masterpiece could be freed from the sin curse and to once again dwell with Him,
to worship Him, and to enjoy creation the way He intended us to thousands of
years ago. When He returns to take us home, He’ll allow us to enjoy with Him
what He created for His own enjoyment. Because He doesn’t want to enjoy it
alone…because He enjoys us the most!

How great Thou art! Everything under heaven belongs to Him.

He created it for Himself. He created us for Himself,

and He enjoys us immensely! How great Thou art! 

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
 see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

Written by Amie Spruiell


  1. Thank you Aime for the reminder that we were created for Him. He first loved us and delights in us and desires for us to have a relationship with Him.

  2. He is so great that it is amazing that He even is able to think of us. Thank you, Father, for Your unending joy in ua.
