
The Joy of Friendship

“And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness’ and he was called God’s friend”. James 2: 23 (NIV)

Out of all the “positions” in my Lord’s kingdom, I would choose the position of being called His friend.

A friend has special entry into the most intimate places of one’s heart. There is a special bonding and a feeling of security and honor and trust. A friend is one who supports and encourages the deepest of our hearts desires, one who hears and understands our dreams and motivations… and spurs us on, in intercession and faith.

Our Lord is the author and example of true friendship. He put our best interests before His own. It was for each one of us that He made His way to the cross to die for us. He knew that we had to be reconciled to His Father in order for us to live.

I have heard it described that on the cross, Jesus “opened His arms” in order to embrace all of us. I believe that is true. But I also believe that in order for Him to have been able to accomplish this, He had to have opened His heart first.

Today we have the choice of opening up our own hearts. We can choose to open them and offer to others this same kind of friendship. This kind of “offering” does not come without its share of risks. There is always the risk of being rejected, disappointed, or hurt. I believe that the joy of friendship far outweighs the risk. What do you believe?

Written by Beverley A. Napier

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