
More than Conquerors

Sunday, July 4, 2010

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither
the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything
else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37 NIV

Welcome to the new daily devotionals as we celebrate Independence Day, the
4th of July, 2010! Many people will be busy celebrating with family get-
togethers, cookouts, and watching fireworks. Others will be traveling places, and
still others will spend a quiet day at home, alone. Wherever we are, whether we
are busy with activities or we are “by ourselves”, God is always with us.
It is amazing to me that when we are not thinking anything about God, or even
more so when we feel He is nowhere to be found, He is still there by our side.
Even if we feel abandoned by God, or that He is not answering our prayers, or
we feel totally numb as if there is nothing there, He is! And when we feel He is
there, but that we don't deserve his presence or his love, He embraces us and
loves us, forgiving absolutely anything that might separate us from him. On the
opposite end of the spectrum, when we are in the heights, and perhaps enjoying
life but not focusing on God, He is there to love us just the same. Maybe there
are times we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we think we are the ones in
control of our own destiny. Or when we become too prideful and do not rely on
God or give him the credit for what we have and do, He is there too, loving us
and desiring that we turn to him and realize that He is the one who sustains us
and gives us absolutely everything, including every breath we take.

There is absolutely nothing that can come between us and God's love. It is not
dependent upon our feelings or our knowledge of His presence. He promises all
of this in the Bible verses above. I kept trying to look up another verse for this
devotion, and my Bible kept blowing open to the page with these verses at the
top. God wants us to hear what he has to say here. Read it again and soak it all
in... it is a powerful verse. God loves you and always will!

Written by Jan A.

©Women’s Focus Ministries, All Rights Reserved

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