
To Be Free of Anger

I like this prayer by author and speaker John Maxwell:

"Dear Lord,
So far today, I've done all right.
I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper,
I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent.
I'm really glad about that.
But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed,
and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help!”

I wish I could claim that this funny prayer is always true in my life. I can easily recall waking up already angry with a child or my husband (or my mother, or a friend, or an acquaintance, or an enemy, or a coworker). I have struggled with anger for many years (how long have I been married?) and know how hard it is to master this emotion. Whether I am stuffing my emotions and putting on a ‘happy’ face or erupting like a volcano – my anger is still alive and well within me.

I have read books on anger; listened to cd’s on love; and even attended a well-known anger seminar. My epiphany occurred at the seminar. As I was taking notes, I thought to myself, “Okay, exactly what makes me angry?” I wrote in the margin of my workbook these shocking words: “When I don’t get what I want.”
I smiled a little guilty half-smile.

It was suddenly so clear. I get angry with the kid’s when they don’t clean up the play room, because I want to take them to a movie or the park afterwards. I get angry with my husband for not offering to clean up but I don’t want to admit to him that I need help or that I can’t handle it. Can’t he see I’m overwhelmed? It shouldn’t matter that I have certain ways of doing things and tend to be a bit corrective when he tries to help, right?

Right then is when God got me. My husband had a coping skill. He avoided my negative behavior and just let me do what I was going to do. Basically, I had an anger bubble surrounding me as I proficiently and diligently ‘got everything done.’ My husband, wise man that he is, avoided me during those times, in order to avoid ‘popping’ that bubble.

I got this message loud and clear. There was no way I could master anger on my own. I confessed my weakness to God (not an easy thing – strong woman that I am). I admitted my struggle to a trustworthy friend. I started sharing my story and being real about myself and realistic about my expectations. I still have roller coaster days and bubble scenarios. But I am starting to know what it feels like to be free of anger.“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 NIV

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. “ Psalm 51:1-3 NIV

Written by Mary Wilkins July 12, 2010


  1. Mary...

    This almost sounds like I could have written it myself...so many times we start off bad before we have a chance to wake up and self direct towards practicing at least neutral behavior at least until after the first cup of coffee or tea so that we can be awake enough to make proper choices about our attitudes. Did you read my mind?

    Your write is quite an inspiration.

    Thanks and God bless!

  2. I love Philippians 4:13 - one of my favorites! We all have shortcomings we need help to overcome or transform into positive strengths. And it is an ongoing process of "becoming" more like Christ with his help. I know I need to repeatedly let go and ask God to change me, and give me the strength to do it. Thanks for your writing!
