
All Things Are Possible In Him

God takes hopeless situations and turns them into a place of hope. I am convinced that in whatever difficult situation we may face in life, God is ready to turn each and every one of them around for good. God is ever ready to act on our behalf to bring us closer to Him that we may know Him and love Him more each day.

There is nothing too hard for Him. Those are comforting words to my heart. My God is huge and loves to help His sons and daughters as we trust in Him and call out His name.

Whatever you may be facing today, remember that His word says in Matthew 19:26 "With men this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible." And His words are always Yes and Amen!

Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, I enjoyed this read. You are right on and offer much food for thought. It is interesting that two other people wrote on in different ways on the same topic. It must be a topic that God wants our readers to think about. Check out Beverley who wrote on Friday and Amie whose devotional is posted today.

