
Difficult People

Sometimes certain people really rub us the wrong way. They may seem obnoxious, or rude, or even cruel. However, we are to "make every effort to live in peace with all men..." (Hebrews 12:14a). Assuming we are not talking about anything abusive here, how does one "live in peace" with someone being difficult?

Perhaps we could look at them in a different light. We can attempt to understand what the other person may have been through. We can try to put ourselves in their shoes, see things from their perspective. Even then, it may be difficult to be understanding. We might even consider the possibility that we are part of the problem. There may be things about our actions and/or reactions that we need to change.

Also, maybe we can see times in our own lives when we, ourselves, have been difficult to be around. We may be grumpy, or argumentative, or treat some people with disrespect. We are not perfect either and may be hard to be around at times. Perhaps seeing our own faults will give us empathy for others we find difficult and a stronger desire to help them. When we do try to help them, it should be done in humility:

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Philippians 2:3

Most of all, we can see that God puts up with all of us, no matter how difficult we are, and yet He loves us with all his heart. We ask Him to forgive us when we are difficult and to give us the perspective and the ability to love others as ourselves. In doing so, we can present a good witness of the love God has for us all.

"Thank you Lord for your forgiveness when I have been difficult. Help me to give the same love and understanding to others as you have given to me, because of your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray. Amen"

Writtin by Jan A.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jan...your devotional reminded me of one of the FB "Likey" statements...

    Don't judge . . . you never know what a person's story is . . . leave that up to God!

