

I recently read a delightful book called DEWEY: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched The World. It is the true story of an abandoned kitten who was placed in the book return slot of a library in Spencer Iowa. The weather was freezing and so was poor little Dewey. He was frostbitten, very thin, and extremely dirty. The beneficent librarian who rescued him gave him a warm bath, fed him, and held him until he was revived. Her kind and loving treatment of Dewey as well as her "putting herself out on a limb" to get the board of trustees to accept him as an in-house library resident were praiseworthy.

Dewey went on to become a favorite of young and old library patrons alike. His charm, friendliness, playfulness, love, and affection warmed and embraced hearts. What spoke to me most about the story were the widespread consequences of the librarian's kindness towards Dewey. Her willingness to care for this abandoned pet and to make him a part of the library's "staff", led to making Dewey world famous. Likewise, Spencer Library became globally renowned. The love this woman received in return from Dewey was astounding. After Dewy passed on, the lady realized that all of his days, she thought she was holding Dewey in her arms. In reflection, she realized that it was really Dewey who was holding her.

The story of Dewey made me realize that when we do a kindness for someone out of true compassion and love, we never know what the positive ramifications will be. When we give of ourselves from the heart we may never see how far reaching the effects will become. On the contrary, when we do good only out of obligation or compulsion, the results will never be as profound or long lasting.

Our motives are important to the Lord. That is why it is so important to guard our hearts and minds. As we read God's Word, pray, and praise in song, we fill our souls with purity, love, and grace. As we stay close to the Master, we can more clearly hear His voice, discern His will and be prompt to obey. As our hearts are softened and sanctified, we will respond to the needs of others with right motives. We will have God's perspective and attitude as we reach out to others with empathy and love. The effects of our charity may well touch multitudes and generations and last for eternity.

Written by CF

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