
The Lord’s Faithfulness

During on particularly trying time in my life, the Lord gave me a special verse to hold onto. I felt as if all of the cares and needs that I saw and felt around me were causing me to “sink”. I felt as if I was “sinking” into a place of emotional and spiritual despair, and I didn’t know how to pull myself out of it.

This was when I felt the Lord direct me to this verse,

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil”
Hebrews 6:19 (amplified bible).
I knew that He was telling me to hold onto Him and that He would “anchor” me. I was so encouraged and I “held” onto this hope for as long as I could.

After a few weeks, perhaps a month, I felt my “grip” on this verse was beginning to weaken. I knew that the Lord had spoken it to me, and I knew it was true, but I felt my self slowly beginning to “slip”. This was when I joined a friend of mine and went shopping at some of the local antique stores.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I came upon the most interesting set of blue and white plates that I had ever seen. They were all white with a light blue ring around the inside center. There was a darker ring of blue around the outer rim, and I couldn’t believe what I saw in the very center at the top. It was an anchor! It was all in a dark blue and I felt as if it had been placed there just for me.

I felt my heart jump and my hope exclaim “Thank you, Lord”. I had never seen plates like this in all of my many days of “treasure hunting”. I quickly scooped them all up, paid for them and took them home. Once I was at home I got out a blue permanent ink pen and wrote the verse about the anchor on one of them. That plate is now displayed in my home, right where I can see it everyday.

Each time I look upon it and read it, I am reminded of how much the Lord loves me. It was as if He directed me to those very plates that day simply because He wanted to reassure me. He wanted to reassure me that He is my anchor. He wanted to reassure me that He did indeed speak to me and give me that verse. He wanted to reassure me that I do hear His voice, and I do know what He is saying to me. Lastly, He wanted to reassure me that although my ability to hang onto Him was beginning to weaken, that His ability to hold onto me and to steady me would never weaken.

I love these special times that the Lord gives us. It feels as if we are the only ones that He is concerned about at that time, and that He goes out of His way to show us His never ending love. Thank you, Lord, for ALL of the ways in which you speak so clearly to us.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


  1. God is amazing how he sends us just what we need at just the right moment! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story :)

  2. This is a wonderful write, and I loved reading it. It immediately reminded me of that Ray Boltz song from the 95s. Here are the lyrics to that song...

    The Anchor Holds

    I have journeyed
    Through the long, dark night
    Out on the open sea
    By faith alone
    Sight unknown
    And yet His eyes were watching me

    The anchor holds
    Though the ship is battered
    The anchor holds
    Though the sails are torn
    I have fallen on my knees
    As I faced the raging seas
    The anchor holds
    In spite of the storm

    Ive had visions
    Ive had dreams
    Ive even held them in my hand
    But I never knew
    They would slip right through
    Like they were only grains of sand


    I have been young
    But I am older now
    And there has been beauty
    That these eyes have seen
    But it was in the night
    Through the storms of my life
    Oh, thats where God proved
    His love to me
