
“No Longer A Slave”

August 27, 2010

“Therefore, you are no longer a slave (bond servant) but a son; and if a son,
then (it follows that you are) an heir by the aid of God, through Christ.
Galatians 4:7 (Amplified Bible)

This verse speaks to me about the ways that I continue to behave as a slave in some areas of my life. Instead of seeking after my dreams, I, at times have chosen to stay a slave to my fears. The fear of failure, the fear of exposing my heart, the fear of what “others” might think of me, the fear of stepping into an unknown place, and I could go on and on and on.

The truth spoken so clearly in this verse helps me to realize that I am an heir. I am recognized as a child of the King. I have been given an inheritance that I could never have attained on my own worth or value. However, I believe that since I have been made to share in this inheritance (of freedom), I should begin to behave accordingly.

I realize now that it is God Who has placed His dream for my life inside of me. I know that in my heart, that there is a dream that continues to beat loud and strong, and most recently, I know that I have felt it as it has become restless.
Could this possibly mean that there is a chance that this dream of mine is calling out for a place to grow, that it is actually beckoning me to dare to dream it, and to dare to live it? An interesting thought, isn’t it, especially in the midst of all of those fears of mine that I have listed above.

For so long now, I have dared to believe in the dreams of others. I have made it a point to challenge them and encourage them. I have continually reminded them of my faith and belief in them and in the abilities that God has given them, and entrusted unto them. Perhaps, it is time to embrace the freedom of believing in myself, in the same way that my precious Father and Friend from above does.

Written by Beverley A Napier

1 comment:

  1. Beverley this is very interesting devotional. You are right that we are often head cheerleader for the aspirations and lives or others. We often forget to do the same for ourselves. I used to employ this example...When you child flubs a soccor kick and is down on him/herself we tell them that we know they tried and that they should keep trying...that they really are a good player and next time will probably be better. Yet our self talk is so negative at times or at best our self talk does not exist. It is time for women to begin postive self talk for their own sucess in their dreams.

    Thanks Beverley and Blessings!
