
Run to Jesus and Find Rest in Him

August 4, 2010

Matthew 11:28 says "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." As I read this scripture, I visualize myself running to Jesus and laying my head upon Jesus' lap and being refreshed because I am in the presence of my Lord.

We all at some time in our life, as we labor, we become heavy laden, weighted down. At times we may feel we cannot go on another day. But oh what a big relief to know that as we come to Jesus, He will provide rest for our weary souls so we can soar in our relationship with Christ with greater freedom! So I encourage you to run to Jesus and find rest in Him!

Written by Sandy


  1. Thank you Sandy...this is so true but still sometimes forgotten in the trauma and stress that is bringing us down. I think this is a tool of the enemy to keep us so distracted that we loose our joy. Your devotional is a great reminder of where to go for shelter during a storm.


  2. Sometimes I can barely crawl to Jesus, let alone run to Him! Thankfully He scoops me up and holds me close. I just need to stop struggling out of his arms and rest in Him! Thank you so much for sharing this devotion.
