
When In Need

Where do you go to get advice when you are in need? To others, to the latest fades, movements, magazines, self-help books, the internet, T.V. talk shows? God wants us to come to Him. His Word is all we need. Sure all the other stuff has bits of truth and value. But do you first filter it through God’s Word? He loves and cares for us. He knows us best. He knows what we need. He knows where we have been and where we are going. All the other stuff comes and goes. It changes. But His Word is steadfast and everlasting. Does it then make sense to seek Him first? Should His Word then be where we go to get our advice from? Trust His Word to lead you down the right path.

“Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.”
(Proverbs 8:14 NIV)

So next time you have a question, a trial, a concern or need advice, pick up the bible first and seek His wisdom ♥

Written by Patty B.

1 comment:

  1. Very important points here, Patty!
    So often we flail around and go to the world for answers, which can be very unsatisfactory. I am trying to remember that, although God uses these things you mentioned to show us something we need to know, that HE is the one perfect umbrella that we have in a storm. Thanks!
