
Can I be Judicious?

I never know exactly…
…what the person in front of me
…across from me
…or next to me….has been through.

Each of our lives is filled with all sorts of experiences. There is much good and much bad in this world. Everyone has had challenging and difficult times. Some of these struggles are obvious if I am close to the situation, but other issues and factors are invisible to even the most observant. How many times have I smiled on the outside when there was no smile on the inside?

To make a judgment is to make a ruling or conclusion. But to be judicious is to possess wisdom and use caution in a common sense way.

I am quick to think that a pretty, healthy woman has had an easy life. Why is that? Do I think if cares have not worn her down physically that her troubles must not have been that difficult? How ironic that I roll my eyes when a woman starts to tell me how horrible her life has been intending to expose my own life as easier. How little she knows. How little I know!

God told Samuel, when Samuel was getting ready to anoint the next king of Israel (David), in 1 Samuel 16:7:

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

If only God knows a man’s heart, then I need God’s wisdom to be judicious. If I am willing to listen and learn I can avoid the trap of being judgmental. Each person I know, each person I will meet has a complexity and depth that is out of reach of my human mind. God sees into each heart and knows each person and desires to call them His friend (John 15:15). Help me Lord, to be a judicious friend.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary

    Your writing here is full of important insights. To be judgemental is not what God wishes of us...did he not give Job's friends a what for when they judged Job? I especially liked this part of what you wrote...

    "If only God knows a man’s heart, then I need God’s wisdom to be judicious. If I am willing to listen and learn I can avoid the trap of being judgmental. Each person I know, each person I will meet has a complexity and depth that is out of reach of my human mind. God sees into each heart and knows each person and desires to call them His friend (John 15:15). Help me Lord, to be a judicious friend."

    Thanks and blessings.
