

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " Acts 20:35

Many women know very well how to give. We often are giving our time to many things, masters of multi-tasking, whether that be time for family, or for church, or for others. We share our abilities, offering to do things for other people where we feel able. We are taking the lead over men in charitable giving and philanthropy. We give and give and give....

But do we know how to receive? The above verse doesn't say we should never be on the receiving end. However, it is sometimes difficult to accept something from another person, whether that be "fighting" over who will pay for a lunch, or not knowing how to accept a compliment. It can even go so far as not asking for help when we need it. Sometimes we are the ones who are weak who need support.

If there is giving going on, there must also be receiving. If there is a giver, there is a receiver. The person giving is blessed when they give to the person receiving. So if we are the ones receiving, we are also being used as a tool in the life of the person giving. And perhaps God really wants us to have what is being given - we wouldn't want to reject God's gift!

For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving... 1 Timothy 4:4

So when we are paid a compliment, we can simply thank the person, or even pay it back with a compliment for them. It is also important not to deny what they are saying, because that would be like calling them a liar. We can give God the credit for what we were complimented on, humbly saying how grateful we are that God gave us that trait or that talent, etc. And when someone offers to pay for a meal, perhaps we can simply agree to return the favor in the future. Finally, when we are in need of support in some way, we can remember that asking for help allows another person to use their gifts from God in our own lives.

Dear Lord in heaven, thank you for all that you have given me. Help me to find balance in my life in giving and receiving. Help me to be grateful when someone offers me something. And help me to give you the glory in all that I receive and do. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Written by Jan A.


  1. Jan!

    This is an amazing write! As I was reading the first paragraph the very thing that came to mind was how hard it is to receive. And that is what you covered. I find myself flustered when someone talks to me about something they appreciate aboug me. It is hard to keep my mouth shut or even to look them in the eye when they are speaking. It is an important point that when we allow something to be given the giver is having the opportunity to serve. I never thought about it exactly this way.

    Thank you and God bless

  2. Thank you so much, Corinne! I thank you and Patty for the opportunity to write, because I receive so much myself from doing these devotionals. To God be the glory!
