
God Is Ever So Close

Oh what a comfort to know my God is with me every second, every hour of the day. My God has never left my side. Since the very moment he created my life, He has been with me.

Through all the hardships, through all the good times, my God has continuously been with me. He experienced all the pain that I have walked through and He has experienced all the joy that I have had.

My God is faithful, and He is my Rock! Oh the joy of knowing that my Heavenly Father watches over His people, never taking His eyes off of us. I cling to my Savior for His word says in Hebrew 13:5 " I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Blessings and love,

Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing that the Creator of the universe is personally present to us on a minute by minute basis!!!!
