
My Heart Longs For Thee

There is no better place that I would rather be than in the presence of the Lord. I long to know Him more and I long to spend time at His feet.

There have been many times in my life I have had to walk through very challenging times. Let's face it; life can get just downright plain hard!! I have had disappointment, heartache, and discouraging times. But oh I am so thankful that not one of those times did I have to walk it alone. God was by my side to assure me I would get through every moment.
How sweet to know that God is ever present in our lifes. He cheers us on and tells us we can do all things through Him!

Just calling upon His name brings me great comfort. But oh how I long to be with Him and rest in Him. As it says in Psalms 63:1 the first part, resonates with my heart. "O God, You are my God, Early will I seek You, My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You." That is where I want to be!

Written by Sandy

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