
Our Treasure Chest

“Then Asa took all the silver and gold
left in the treasuries
of the house of the Lord and of the king’s house
and delivered them into the hands of the servants…”
I Kings15:18a

We each have a “treasure chest” that others don’t see,
a special gift from our Father, for you and for me

It’s not just a chest, but a “meeting place” too,
and I’m never quite sure of just what we’ll do.

Sometimes I come in, ragged, beaten and sore,
and I fall in His arms, as He sits on the floor.

Jesus rocks me and loves me, and says not a thing,
but I know He’s been waiting, with comfort to bring.

I see the treasures, all shiny and bright,
but nothing compares to His goodness and light.

I find strength in His arms, and hope in His love.
His peace gently abounds, on the wings of a dove.

He fills my heart, with all good things,
for these are the treasures of which He brings.

The chest is for me, and for each one of you, too,
filled with hope and with love, and with laughter… and glee!

As He gently adorns me, with more of Himself,
He remembers the chests up on the shelf.

He then smiles, and looks up to see,
His Father smiling back… at Him, and at me.

For this is His plan, His gift, His Son…
that through Him, all of mankind would be won

So, please, do hurry and open your chest,
for in our Savior alone can we find our rest.

Then, most assuredly, as we do…
we will be strengthened and compelled, to bring others in, too.

Where the riches of wisdom so richly abound,
there your Father, your Savior, and yourself will be found.

Written by Beverley A. Napier

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beverley

    Powerful concepts are in your wonderful poem.

    God gives us treasures that are innumerable...He also gives us treasures that enter our lives all the time and you are one of them.

    Thanks and Blessings!
