
Partnering With God For Our Children

As a parent one of the most valuable things we can do for our children is to pray daily for them. There are numerous Bible promise books available to us today. We can use these as a guide in our petitions covering all the various areas of our childrens' lives.

The Bible gives us wisdom and instruction in how to raise our families. These directives are priceless, but oh how we need God's help and grace to implement them! Each child is unique, with his or her own set of needs, talents, strengths and weaknesses. We need the Holy Spirit's direction as we teach our offspring in the ways of the Lord. Starting each day on our knees asking for wisdom and guidance will make our lives more peaceful and our efforts in childrearing more fruitful. We can ask the Lord to give our children obedient and receptive spirits and a desire for God's will and His ways. We can ask for creative methods of communicating the Father's love to our families and His desire for them to walk in His paths.

We are so blessed and privileged to have a Lord who stands beside us in teaching our children. We partner with Him. We are not alone in this endeavor. We can come to Jesus throughout the day to ask for strength and wisdom for ourselves and for cooperation from our children. When the task seems daunting we can say turn to Isaiah 41:13 which states "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Written by Cathy Friberg

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