
Seek Him First

What comfort and peace to know that if we will seek God first and all that He is, He will be faithful to meet our every need. If we will but put Jesus first, if we will pursue Him with all of our heart, everything in our life we need He will grant us provision.

If we are trying to satisfy our life with things other than the Lord, not looking onto Him, there will be much lack and emptiness in our life. There will not be that rich and deep fulfillment of Christ in our life. The things that we truly need will not be added onto us.

As we make Him top priority in our life, and seek His face, He will reveal His will, purpose and glory to us. He will speak to our hearts and reveal the destiny that He has for us.

Matthew 6:33 says, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. I desire to seek His kingdom first. What a wonderful promise He has given us as a result of seeking Him first.

Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. It is true that if we keep our priorities right which means centering on Jesus then all other needs will be taken care of.

    Thank you Sandy and God bless!
