
God Is Our Restorer

I am so thankful that our God is in the restoration business. God wants His
people whole and strong and complete in every way.
I recently had a dream about a friend of mine that is going through some tough
times. In the dream we were both standing in this line. I was a few feet a head
of her. I turned around and shouted to her "restoration,restoration". I knew God
was wanting to restore to her and her family healing where there has been wounds
and brokeness. He is calling me to pray for her and her family for restoration
because that is His heart. That is God's heart for every one of us and our

I looked up the word restore in the Websters dictionnary. It means to renew, to
give back and to return. Everything the enemy has stolen from us God wants to
renew,give back and return. What a wonderful promise from our God.

Joel 2:25-26 says, "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust
has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My
great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And
praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And my
people shall never be put to shame.

In the midst of restoration we can praise Him for His righteousness and His

Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. The scripture that you quote is one of my favorite promises of God...that of restoration. So much happens in life either by our own bad choices or by things that happen around and to us. Where would we be withoug a promise of Godly restoration.

    Thanks and God bless, Sandy.
