

A recent short article in "Reader's Digest" magazine caught my eye. The passage reported current studies are showing that "kids need a little dirt to be healthy." Evidently allergies were less prevalent before the age of antibacterial waterless hand cleaners. Children seemed more resistant to germs when they were allowed to play in the dirt and drink from each other's cups. (Reader's Digest, October 2010, page 123)

Perhaps there is a parallel to this theme in the spiritual realm. Sometimes we become so cloistered in the sterile environment of our religious world that we lose our vigor and effectiveness in the Kingdom of God. It is so pleasant, secure and "sanitary" to surround ourselves with other believers in Bible studies, church services and fellowships. While staying connected to the body of Christ is vital, we must not be afraid to rub shoulders with the world. The world needs us to be salt and light and to carry out the Great Commission. The harvest is ripe and ready for the in-gathering. At this time the world is very dark and the sting of sin sometimes renders contact with our unbelieving peers and neighbors to be painful. However, as we walk in love and share God's gift with a hurting generation we will be strengthened and fortified to complete the task handed down to us by the early disciples.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

Jesus saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, two commercial fishermen, by the Sea of Galilee. He said to them,
"Come, follow me," "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19 (NIV).
If we are to likewise become fishers of men we cannot resist getting our hands dirty. We need to roll up our sleeves, cast our nets, and lure in the bounty of souls. We may encounter some emotional wounds, exhaustion, and ruffled feathers as we engage in this endeavor. However, we can refresh and cleanse ourselves with the pure and pristine Word of God. Then we will be healthy and vibrant and equipped for the calling of God upon our lives.

Written By CF

1 comment:

  1. Our life is so much more richer when we open ourselves up to others.
