
Second Place

Devotoinal for Saturday the 16th

I keep doing it. I keep trying to be everything to my husband. It’s not his fault. It’s mine. Of course, I’m failing. I’m failing because it’s not my job to be everything. I’m overstepping my boundaries. I’m stepping into the Lord’s territory, and He won’t let me in. So I’m failing. Why? Why do I do this? I’m sure I mean well.

Maybe it sounds sweet to everyone else…I mean; it’s only because I love him, right? Is that it? Is it all because I love him? Or is it really because I want to be first place in his life? Well, there’s no use sugar coating it. If I feel like I’m falling short, there’s got to be a good reason for it, and I doubt if I’m just an innocent party here. It doesn’t matter how sweet the intentions appear, there’s no power behind it. To put it lightly, it’s like a soda with no carbonation, or cinnamon candy with no spice. But I prefer to call it what it is. I’m supposed to be in second place, not first. And there’s no reason for me to worry that he won’t make God first in his life because worrying about it is also out of my boundaries. That, too, is God’s concern. My husband has a great responsibility…to lead his family. Although I desire to satisfy his every need and empower him to do his job, I can only go so far. After that, my hands are tied, and all that’s left to do is pray…which is what I should’ve been doing to begin with.

Lord, I want my husband to be satisfied, fulfilled and content. I want him to have the confidence and power he needs to walk the path You’ve laid out before him. I wish I could give him all he needs to do this, but I am insufficient for the job. Only You can be all of that for him. I’m just thankful that You allow me to play a role in it. Because I want this for him, I pray that I always come in second place. I pray that I come second to You. Amen.

Amie Spruiell 10/15/2010


  1. Leave it to you Amie,

    Of course I never event thought of this topic or looked at my role in this way. What a wonderful paradigm. So often we try to be all that and it results in disappointment and sad feelings. It will be a good thing to think about this more in this way.

    Appreciation and blessings.

  2. It's funny how we want to do all the fixing when it comes to our husbands and close family. Yet we are often more tolerant of others not so close to us - knowing we plant the seed and allow the Holy Spirit to move in their lives. I think I need to do this more with my husband and close family.
    Thanks for opening my eyes!
    Patty B.
