
We Are The Work Of Your Hand

God's word says in Isaiah 64:8 " But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand." God is our "Heavenly Potter". As we yield to Him continuously it allows for Him to work in our life. We as the clay are molded and shaped and melted by the sovereignty of our Almighty Father. As we surrender to Him, He continues to transform us from clay to a beautiful piece of "Heavenly Pottery" in His eyes. As we say yes to Him, He continues to decorate our life with more of Him. The closer we draw near to God, the more He molds us into a life that exemplifies Christ.

We are truly the work of His hand as it says it Isaiah. There is no other place that I would rather be than in the hands of our God.


Written by Sandy


  1. Who could ask for a better Potter. I love this concept. A year or so ago I went to a retreat by a person who calls her ministry "The Pottery Lady." That retreat and the concepts she built around the concept was one of the best I have ever attended.

  2. I forgot to thank you and wish you a great week.

