
Wisdom from Job

I have been doing a Bible Study on the Book of Job. I have found so much that speaks to my heart and illustrates many important points.

Oh my goodness, right when I started to read chapter 6 and read the first verse, "If my misery could be weighed and my troubles be put on the scales", took my back to a place of when I was going through a very hard time. It reminded me of the moments I felt like the world was on my shoulders, I felt the pain just coming over my heart and I thought there would not be an end to that deep pain I was experiencing. My heart breaks for Job. Because even though we have faith in God, doesn't mean we won’t feel deep pain. Job was a blameless man, but he was also human with emotions. I just love how in verse 5 of chapter 6, he questioned, "Don’t I have a right to complain?" Of course he does. He was not cursing God or he wasn’t blaming God, he just wanting to say, "Hey, I’m a human being, I have a right to feel." As sad as this story of Job is, I praise God with all of my heart for allowing me to see that even someone as faithful as Job felt a lot of pain, and, yet, he did not turn his back on God. Why is that it takes times of trouble to happen for us to get closer to Him? Is it because we want a miracle to come our way or is it because we truly pay attention to what He is doing in us in the midst of troubles?? I hope this makes sense, why it that I can really relate to Job. The difference is that I am not blameless, I fall short and I allow for busyness to take over my relationship with my Father.

There have been several verses that speak to my heart and give me insight in this chapter…

"If my misery could be weighed and my troubles be put on the scales,
they would outweigh all the sands of the sea."
Job 6:2-3

It reminded me of days at the beach when I allowed my children to bury me in the sand. Did you ever do this? Think about when you bury yourself in the sand at the beach and how difficult is it to get out of it?? It’s like that with pain, it weighs you down. You try to get up and keep going, but the pain holds you down just like the sand. Often we go through these Job experiences that get us buried in sand, and it is so hard to get up from under them.

Another verse spoke to me is Job questioning…

"Don't I have a right to complain?"
Job 6:5

That is exactly what I ask God when I am going through a trial in my life. I don't want to use my flesh as an excuse to complain to God, but I want to complain. I envision God standing with His arms crossed saying, " Okay Liz, keep complaining of what you’re going through, even though I see it, I want to hear it from you, Oh, tell me when your finish complaining so I can do what I'm going to do." It is a wonderful thing to remember that God always knows what we are going to wake up to in the morning, He already has our day planned out even before we we wake up.

Written by Liz Chavez

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