
Fired up for the most wonderful time of the year?

Devotional for 11/27/10

Are you fired up? Fired up for the most wonderful time of the year? Well, it should be the most wonderful time of the year. But for me, I feel it’s time to get fired up for battle…a spiritual battle that takes place right here in our own country, our own society, our own hearts.

I seem to be emotional this week. I can’t figure out why…it’s not hormonal. Our Thanksgiving celebration was nice and relaxing…just us and the kids, but I wasn’t sad about not seeing other family members. It’s definitely not a depressed feeling. I’m not the kind who gets sad at the holidays anyway. I’m usually happy or stressed or both, but not sad. But I honestly am struggling with shaking this feeling. And deep down, I feel the Holy Spirit is telling me something…something about proceeding with caution and with my battle gear on.

Fired up for the most wonderful time of the year?Fired up for the most wonderful time of the year?Fired up for the most wonderful time of the year?There are so many things to  forward to during the Christmas season, and so many things to dread. But this “something” that I’m feeling is not something to be thrilled about, and at the same time, it’s not something to dread either. But I know that I want to be prepared. This is a battle to keep Christ in Christmas.

Now, I don’t think that all the bells and whistles about the holiday are necessarily what we should be battling. Yes, I know it’s easy to get caught up in the craziness of shopping, baking and decorating and allow that to drown out the real message, but I like that stuff and it’s never overshadowed the real message in my heart or in the hearts of my family members. That’s probably because I’ve already heard so many messages about not allowing that to happen. Numerous wise people have done their duty of cautioning me and everyone else for that matter of taking time to remember what we’re supposed to remember at Christmas. After all, without His birth, He could not have died for us. But I wonder if it’s because that “cautious message” has been so well presented and received that the enemy has taken the next step, and has used an already weakened and secularized society to launch an all out attack on Christ at the time of the year Christians long ago chose to celebrate His birth.

And the truth is, Christianity is attacked in our own country more than any other group whether they’re religious or not. For the last several years, I would proceed into this time of the year thinking about thankfulness for my country and those who fought for it, for my Savior and all He’s done for me, and for my family and the memories we’ve created and shared together, only to find myself at some point getting angry at the secularism of the holiday. I have nothing against Santa, Frosty or Rudolph. I love those guys. Now, I know some would argue that these cute little make-believe icons of the season are in one way responsible for desensitizing society, and I cringe as I am faced with the fact that there’s a grain of truth in that. But really, I mean really…how did we really get to this point???

Is there even an answer to that question? How about this question? When, after great pains were taken to deliberate, our founding fathers finally ratified our Constitution, did the rights spelled out within it set the stage for Christianity to eventually become the only system without rights? If only, some two hundred and twenty something years ago, those many wise men, the majority of which were strong Christian men, could have foreseen that their desire to respect all peoples with rights, with some of those rights being freedom of speech and religious expression, as they exemplified in the document that makes this country a republic, would have inevitably ended up being the detriment of Christianity itself. Would they have ratified the document?
I believe they would. That’s how much respect they had for people, for freedom, for God’s system of free choice. There was just no other way. They wanted everyone to have the freedom of expression just as they wanted it for themselves. It was worth the risk of the influence of non-Christian worldviews knowing that the influence itself could overpower Christianity, just for the sake of having the freedom to be a Christian. But that’s exactly what we’ve seen. Because for the last two decades, the surmounting number of lawsuits filed against the expression of Christianity has been proof that we truly are under more of an attack than anyone else in this country, and it’s noticeable more at Christmas than any other holiday. And the truth is, if our founding fathers lived today, they would be persecuted. They would have lawsuit upon lawsuit filed against them for speaking freely and declaring their faith and love for Jesus Christ. OK, no wonder I’m so emotional. I no longer want to be caught unawares. I want to go into this season prepared and ready to battle. How about you?

There are some simple actions to take and I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Don’t hesitate to say “Merry Christmas” and “God bless you”. Even when you’re wished a lovely greeting of “Happy Holidays”, you could respond with “Happy Holy Day”, (since that’s what “holiday” means anyway.) I think we should speak freely at every opportunity we have during the holidays to express our love for Jesus. Make sure you have an answer for those who would argue. If you don’t know how to answer, find out. You have information at your finger tips. And remember to do it with gentleness. Our weapon just might be more efficient if it’s used gently. But being gentle does not mean being a door mat.

I understand that some people just don’t like confrontation, but if lives and fortunes were lost for us to have our freedom, we owe it to them to defend it even if the most we can offer is a simple comment to the average person that just might bring a little embarrassment to ourselves. But we most certainly can offer more than a simple comment…our greatest weapon is prayer, so do it. But the worst we could do is nothing. Doing nothing has contributed to where we are right now. So stop complaining inwardly and ignoring it outwardly. The more it’s ignored, the more numb our hearts will become.

We’re not called to ignore this battle. We’re not called to become numb to it. We’re called to boldly declare the Word of God…to live our lives worthy of being called a Christian…to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. I’d like to take a military order that I’ve learned from my husband and reword it to be a Christian order. From the 11 General Orders of a Sentry (Marine Corps version), number 2 is “Walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.” This order applies to the physical…the Marine himself, his fellow countrymen, his homeland. We can apply this to our spiritual battle as well, “Walk my walk in a Christian manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing and even in our hearts and souls.” This order leaves no room to ignore a calling. On the contrary, it calls us to be on the alert and take action.

I’m not thrilled about the condition of society, but I am fired up. I’m fired up for the most wonderful time of the year. I’ve got my battle gear on, and I will proceed with caution, on the alert and observing everything that takes place. As I do, I will turn my sadness into joy. I was not born into this country over two hundred and fifty years ago. I did not have to sacrifice my loved ones and our fortunes for freedom, but since I have it, the least I can do is battle to keep it. God called them for their time and place, and He has done the same for us. The Christmas season is one of the greatest opportunities we have to take our stand as Christ believers and followers.

Semper Fidelis

Amie N. Spruiell, United State Marine Corps Veteran Wife

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