
Overflowing with More of God

I remember a time in my life I had felt extremely lonely. Even though, I had Christ in my life, I had my immediate family in my life, and surrounded by my church family, I still experienced a deep loneliness. I loved the Lord and continued to look to Him and live for Him each day. I still had loneliness in my heart.

I realized over a period of time, the more I sought the Lord and pursued Him with a greater tenacity and a greater surrender,the more I embraced what I felt He was wanting me to do, the loneliness began to dwindle. A very key thing that I had discovered, was the more I gave onto the Lord and the more I reached out to others in need and got my eyes off myself, the loneliness became non-existent. As I have reached out to share the love of Christ and continued to live that out I have not experienced the loneliness at all. It is no longer a part of my life.

In Haggai 2:7B it says ...and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts. As believers, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God wants to display His glory through His people, the church. He wants to fill us with His Glory so that we may exemplify Him and impact the world around us!
A prayer I pray almost daily is that the Lord would fill me to overflowing with His Glory, with more of Him. He truly does just that and satisfies my soul. I continue to want more of Him!


Written by Sandy

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