
Touching Lives

Monday, November 15, 2010 Devotional

November 7 was Reverend Billy Graham's 92th birthday. This renowned evangelist has touched the lives of millions of people and has led hundred's of thousand to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I was intrigued by a recent television tribute honoring Billy Graham on his birthday. Reverend Graham has received many awards, accolades, and distinctions. He has written 24 books and has been a pastor to numerous presidents. Despite his high acclaim the man has remained admirably humble and unassuming. Many pastors and ministers appeared on the television program. Each one commented that Billy Graham had always treated them with the utmost kindness and respect. There were repeated stories of how Mr. Graham had served them and helped them in situations which no one else would ever know about. The television tribute showed film clips of Billy Graham preaching to huge crowds in large stadiums. However, there were also clips of him preaching to tiny groups in remote areas of the world. He spoke to these small assemblies with the same passion and fervor as he did to the massive groups of people. There were also recordings of the Reverend singing Bible songs with a group of young children. As he sang with the children and taught them the word of God his face beamed with joy.

It was evident that Billy Graham has a fire in his heart ablaze with the love of God. His desire to see others come to know Jesus and to attain eternal life is immeasurably deep and intense. His character and servant's heart in all situations validate his public ministry and have contributed to its success.

Becoming aware of Billy Graham's tireless dedication to the gospel and his personal integrity has been an inspiration to me.

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

Written By C.F.

1 comment:

  1. There are some people who just radiate God's love, like Billy Graham. I thank God for sending us great examples of faithful people like that!
