
Walking In Humility With God

The definition for humility is that of total absence of arrogance, conceit and haughtiness; willingly submitted to God and His will. This means we must have a call to child-like humility and a servant-like heart. We are to be totally immersed and clothed with Christ-like humilty.

"He has shown you, o man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

We are to walk humbly with our God and to show humility to all man. Christ was the ultimate example of what it means to be a truly humble servant.

The result of humility is that we will be lifted up. We will have riches, honor and life. We will have increased grace and favor. As we submit to Christ fully and to one another, He will clothe us with all humility. That is my heart, and that is what I want to walk in.


Written by Sandy


  1. hmmmm, each morning I "pick" out the clothes I will wear, depending on my mood. What a great reminder to me to choose "wisely" and to "put on" humility before all else !!

  2. We often think of humility as being brought low, but as you say here, we will be lifted up! Thank you Sandy.

  3. Good thoughts here Sandy. I think humility is a virtue that receives little thought. Thanks

    God bless
