
He Is Truly A God Of Compassion

In Psalm 86:15 it says "But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth." Our God is overflowing with compassion. The dictionary says that compassion means to display a deep feeling of sympathy and sorrow towards another who has experienced misfortune and to desire to comfort one in suffering. That is exactly how our Lord shows compassion to us. Christ reveals to us an unconditional love and shows mercy without hesitation. He has a rich and deep compassion for each of us and pours it out on us in our time of need.

God has called each of us to be a people that walk in compassion. Not only has He called us to feel that compassion for others, but to have that courage to take action in helping those people in need of that. Christ works through us. We are to be His hands and feet. As we sit at the feet of Jesus and feed upon His word and allow His Spirit to fill us, we can walk in His spirit and flow in God's compassion. We can reach out to others and comfort those in need of compassion.

We all at some point in our life need God's compassion. I encourage and exhort each of you to to desire to allow God's compassion to flow out of you as you call onto God to be a person who walks in God's compassion. You can then comfort others as He has comforted you. That is what the body of Christ is about.


Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Blessings to you as you receive much compassion from others especially at this time in your life!
