
Can We Really Change Ourselves?

Devotional for January 6

It’s a new year. That splendid beginning and fresh start of a whole new me.

How can I change something for this coming year when I can’t even change it for a day? Am I supposed to change? Are you going to change this year? Really, how will you accomplish that? Will you take a movie psychologist’s advice (from “What About Bob?”) And plan on taking baby steps? Will you pick up a phrase, or mantra, to remind yourself to not do your usual? Sayings like “What Would Jesus Do?” or “Just do the next right thing!” or “Do hard things!” or perhaps a scripture that captures the essence of your goal?

How many of the traditional goals do you think of pursuing:

• exercise for the sake of your health and/or looks;

• quit smoking; give up…candy, soda, eating out, credit cards, a relationship that you know is bad for you;

• get organized…at the office, at home, in your closet;

• forgive your brother;

• cook more meals;

• go to church;

• join a bible study;

• buy less stuff;

• call your mother;

• talk to your spouse;

• watch less television;

• pray.

The list is endless. We have so many things in this world to pursue: optimum health, things, relationships, popularity, approval and acceptance. All things which we believe contribute to our well-being. I know I believe that, or at least I must, if I honestly pay attention to what I am concerned with and worry about.

In Proverbs 23:7 we read that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Honest inventory of our hearts: here we come. Can we know the whole truth about ourselves? Or are we so protective of our feelings -that we need God to search our hearts for us?

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (The Message)

"The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,
a puzzle that no one can figure out.

But I, God, search the heart

and examine the mind.

I get to the heart of the human.

I get to the root of things.

I treat them as they really are,

not as they pretend to be."

Since I was old enough to understand the resolution process I have attempted to change me without significant results. Any changes for the better have come as a result of the truth of God watering my well-guarded heart. Sometimes I didn’t like what was being preached or taught. Lots of times I was nodding my head, saying to myself, yes, I know that, let’s move on.

It was by this boring repetition that my heart full of resentment, pain and grief began to have areas moist enough for love, patience and kindness to grow. It was choosing to allow the good seeds to grow, and with even more difficulty letting go of the weeds that were choking the life out of me - that brought lasting change.

Can we really change ourselves? Perhaps in some ways, but in the eyes of heaven, the change that needs to happen within can only take place by allowing God’s truth in, holding onto it, allowing it to sink in and do its work.

Deuteronomy 30:6 (NLT)

The Lord your God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants, so that you will love him with all your heart and soul and so you may live!

Dear Lord, thank You for a new year, Your promises and Your unchanging Word. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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