

During the month of March the Almond trees are decked out with delicate yet showy pinkish white blooms. The soft petals resemble snowflakes as they drift to the earth below. They carpet the ground in dots and clumps creating a downy pastel cover. The mountains are peaked with snow and the air is crisp, clean, and cool. These wonders of nature are God's signal of the coming transition from winter to spring. There are in the landscape other trees, though, which are still stark and bare. They display very little obvious evidence of new growth. Upon closer examination, however, we will find that there are tiny buds arising on the very tips of their branches. These buds remind us that although the trees are generally brownish grey and barren looking, that God is working almost in secret to bring about the new life of spring.

So it is with our own lives. Circumstances may appear bleak, desolate and hopeless to the untrained eyes of the soul. However, mature believers understand that the Lord is working behind the scenes to change our personal seasons. In the natural sphere summer, winter, spring, and fall come about in regular sequence and timing according to our calendar months. However, in the spiritual realm it seems that timing and sequence are not so predictable. We may experience what feels like endless winters of trial and tribulation. Be assured, though, that our faithful God has not abandoned us. "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) The Lord sees our pain, heartbreak, and negative life situations."You are the God who sees me." Genesis 16:13 (NIV) He is working to bring about a resolution to our problems. He will heal us with the warmth and joy of a summer season. The Word of God encourages us to walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 May our Heavenly father help us in the midst of our afflictions to anticipate the blossoms of spring and the green leaves of a summer of restoration.

Written by CF

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