
Inhuman Comprehension

This day was not like any other. Although hot as fire, the sky was a peculiar color. Not blue, but turning all sorts of yellows and shades new to earth. Animals all over began to creep around sniffing to find a clue that would explain the changes in the air and the ground and everything they depended upon to keep them safe.

They were vaguely aware of humans seeming in turmoil themselves. Women were weeping loudly, men were crying out, metal was clanging on metal. Dust was swirling everywhere as the feet of many men and women moved upward on the street, climbing, climbing toward the hill named Golgotha.

A cat slinked past a frightened mouse without even a glance. It’s fur stretching as far from it’s skin as it could reach. Whiskers twitched, and eyes searched to find answers to question not even thought of yet. A dog howled with a pitch unheard of before, but those humans crowding up the hill didn’t seem to notice.

A flock of birds flew away from the hill as if it would net them and bring them to an earth now as foreign to them almost as much as the alien-looking sky. Even the earth seemed to groan.

Along with the people were a few horses that had shiny looking humans riding them. Men gleaming in sweat and lots of leather along with the metal breast plates and helmets which weighed heavy on the horses’ backs. But the horses weren’t noticing the weights on their backs, they were skittishly climbing toward the hill of death and each tried to veer away. But the men kept them on their course even as they were controlling the crowds.

The animal kingdom knew the King of Heaven and earth was passing by and they each paid tribute in ways humans could never understand. How could they know death was feeling triumphant?

The course was set and played out just the way it had to. As death moved closer, all the animals crouched or hid. Although as the sky continued to change and darkness moved in as a tide creeps closer to the shore, many of the animals began to nest for the night which was not night.

A soldier at the top of the hill leaned against his horse and was surprised the horse was shivering. Dogs moved close to the ground, slinking because of fear. Fear of what, they didn’t know, and even if they could have known, would not have comprehended.

Then it was as if the earth suddenly shifted and a clap of thunder terrified animals and humans alike………and one voice was heard to say, “It is finished”.

Written by Linda Garrett 2/06/2011
Linda is Amie Spruiell's Mother

Shared by Amie Spruiell

1 comment:

  1. Wow! very moving and powerful. thank you.
