
We Need Each Other

I am constantly reminded how we as believers need each other. God's word tell us in 1Corinithians 12:18-20 "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members , yet one body."

More and more each day I have come to appreciate the body of Christ. Each member in having been planted in specific places to be used in specific ways to strengthen the body of Christ. I am thankful for the multiple strengths and giftings of the body of Christ that the Lord uses to mature and grow the body. The Lord knows exactly what each of His sons and daughters need in order to grow and flourish. God is so faithful in making those connections happen to help meet our needs in our spiritual walk with Him.

I have gleaned so much from my brothers and sisters from other areas of the body of Christ. I have gained greater insight and keener awareness of areas of my life that have needed ministered to, that have made me stronger because of my interaction with them. Because of the Lord working through them, it has helped me reach a greater sense of my destiny, because of their willinghness and obedience to share.

I know I cannot do it alone. I need the many giftings of the different parts of the body that I don't have in order for me to move forward in Christ, and to reach my full potential in the Lord.

I am so very thankful that the Lord has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. He always knows what is the very best for each of us.


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