
When God Repeats Himself

Have you ever zipped through a passage of scripture because there’s a line that keeps getting repeated? You know, sort of skimming over the chorus and moving on to the next ‘real’ phrase? I most certainly have. Even when I determine to read every line carefully and thoughtfully, I may follow through for a while, but when the section appears to go on forever, I kick it into high gear and started skimming again. (After all, I must get going. There are lots of things to do today.)
You have probably heard a pastor explain that whenever God repeats Himself in scripture we should pay extra careful attention.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. (2Timothy 3:16 NLT)
I repeat myself to my children. Do this; don’t do that; and don’t forget are often responded to with an eye-rolling, “I know!” by young and old alike.  Which makes me wonder, am I saying “I know” to God when I skim over scripture? Unlike my motherly reminders which children do outgrow, when God repeats Himself –– I really do need to hear it – again!  
In Psalm 136 there are 26 verses. These sentences describe who God is and what He has done, each sentence ending with the same words: “For His mercy endures forever.” (KJV)  Psalm means song, and in this passage a leader would sing the first phrase and the congregation would respond with the second phrase. Why does the psalmist repeat himself 26 times? Why not remind us every other verse; or at the beginning, the middle and the end?
What’s so important about “His mercy endures forever”? Let’s start with a few other translations to increase our understanding of this phrase.
For His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever. (AMP)
His love never quits. (MSG)
For His loving kindness is everlasting. (NASB)
His faithful love endures forever. (NLT)
This is a worship song: it must have been comforting to the Israelites to remind themselves of God’s actions on their behalf, of His goodness, strength and unending love. Just like listening to your favorite kind of worship music can be soothing and encouraging to your spirit. I admit when a crisis comes my way, I often worry first, and then pray. If I had this phrase “His faithful love endures forever” written on my heart and mind, and repeated often by my own lips – I have no doubt that my confidence in God would grow larger than my fears and doubt.
God loves us with a love that is so much bigger and greater than any love we have ever known. He doesn’t just love us from afar but He loves us with action and involvement in our lives. How can we be sure? We have His assurances through His word.
He remembered us in our weakness.
         His faithful love endures forever.
 He saved us from our enemies.
         His faithful love endures forever.
 He gives food to every living thing.
         His faithful love endures forever.
 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
         His faithful love endures forever. (Psalm 136:23-26 NLT)

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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