
With God Nothing Will Be Impossible

Wednesday 2/2/2011 Devotional

When I read the passage in Luke 1:37 that says, "For with God nothing will be impossible" my faith becomes stirred and strenghtened in Him. When God says all things are possible with Him, God means it! God is the God of truth and we can count on God to do exactly what He says He will do.

God wants us to embrace His words and allow them to soak our entire being. He wants us to grab hold of His word and walk in the fullness of it!! We can trust our God when He says He is going to do something. He is true to His word. He is a good God and does not go back on His word. When I read the passage all things are possible, hope begins to rise up in my being and expectancy begins to bubble within me.

My God is my hope! I can wrap my arms around Him and know my hope is anchored completely in Him and He will not let me down! My God is the God of impossibilities because He says so. The more I believe that truth, the stronger my faith rises.

I delight in My God and count it an amazing honor to be His daughter. I am a daughter of the God of impossiblities!


Written by Sandy

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