
God Is The God Of Revelation

I am so thankful that our loving God continues to reveal many things to us as we seek Him and ask Him. He will make known to us the hidden things, the secret things and the mysteries as we fervently draw close to Him and listen to His voice. His word says that His sheep hear His voice. We are His sheep.
I love it when there are times I have read certain passages in the Bible over and over again, and then there is that one specific time that He will give me fresh revelation on that particular passage and it suddenly comes alive to me. That scripture was there all time, but God brought revelation and understanding to me what it meant. His word truly is alive and well.

I want more revelation of who my Heavenly Father is each passing day. His word says in Ephesions 1:17 "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him."

I want to know Him better and have greater intimacy with Him and experience all that He wants to reveal to me. I am His daughter and He truly desires to show me and each of us a greater revelation of Him. Our walk with Him never has to be dull or stagnant but can daily be vibrant and alive as we allow our Heavenly Father to reveal His heart to us.


Written by Sandy

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