

I remember taking a required home economics class in high school (many many years ago). The teacher presented a unit on time management. She mentioned that she actually counted her footsteps calculating the shortest paths she could take to save time preparing for work in the mornings. She had other tips on efficiency in performing household tasks, running errands, and the like. I recall feeling a bit baffled and maybe even somewhat amused at her advice. Why would anyone feel the need to chart their daily course and worry about such things as time saving tips? At that point in my life I could not seem to relate to this women's apparent plight. I did study hard and was involved in after school sports and activities. However, at that time I was only responsible for one person...myself. Because of that I seemed to have plenty of free downtime. I was well capable of managing my schedule with ease and time to spare.

It wasn't until years later that thoughts of my high school instructor came back to me. As I rushed about raising three children, homeschooling one of them and running a household I remembered my teacher's words of wisdom. "Oh, now I understand," I thought. I, like my teacher, now had to make the most of every minute. Packing lunches, helping with homework, carpooling, organizing birthday parties, supervising visits with the children's friends, keeping house, cooking meals, and keeping up with hubby were just some of my duties as wife and mother. I'm certain ladies that you can all well relate to this scenario. Sometimes my head would real with multitasking and I would literally fall into bed at night. Ah yes, now I knew why my home- ec teacher plotted her course and took advantage of every time saving device she could. Efficiency had now become a major priority. Why?... Survival!

The moral of this story is that sometimes we are just not ready to receive certain teachings and wisdom which we encounter. Until we experience circumstances for ourselves many times we cannot understand or relate to truths which could benefit us. The Bible says that the glory of the young is their strength while the glory of the aged is their wisdom. (Proverbs 20:29) Why do we have and seek wisdom when we are older? It is because we have survived many trials. We have observed patterns in life. We have decided that taking sound advice will save us from much heartache, stress, and sorrow. We realize, at last, that the Lord is on our side. He can be trusted to have our best interest at heart. The admonitions and commands He gives us in the Scriptures are there to bring us safety, health, and blessing. We finally "get it."

Let us remember, however, that those babes in Christ whom we are mentoring or praying for may not be ready for all the wisdom we may desire to impart to them. They have not experienced the security which comes from walking with the Lord for years. Therefore, they are still learning to trust God. They may be offended at certain corrections which the Word of God offers. Death to self is sometimes a long process. In the meantime let's pray diligently for our beloved young Christian brothers and sisters, sons, and daughters to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. (2 Peter 1:2) Let's ask the Lord to give us tactful gracious speech. May we win souls and nurture new believers with hearts of love and understanding.

Written By CF

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