
He Will Complete that Work In Us

" I am confident of this very thing as it says in Philippians 1:6, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." I exhort each of you to continue to look onto Jesus and trust Him and walk in His Spirit and His word. Let us spend intimate time in worship and prayer with the Lord. I encourage each of you to obey God and love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and might. Our God will continually work in us and do a wonderful transformation in us.

As we open our hearts to Jesus, he melts and molds and tenderizes our hearts and lifes accordingly. Yes, there will be times we fall flat on our face. God is always ready to forgive, and pick us up and get us back on the path of righteousness.

God is so eager to use us and manifest Himself through us, so that He can be glorified, Each one of us can be assured that Jesus will do as He say in His word. The Lord Almighty will truly complete the work He has begun in each of us!

Rich Blessings,
Written by Sandy

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