
Making A Difference

Devotional for March 25, 1022

“Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another
 and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing.”
I Thessalonians 5:11
(Amplified Bible)

Last year one of my family members joined the Three Day Susan G. Komen Walk to raise money for cancer research. She was diligent in her training and she was more than ready to walk when the time came. This cause was a particularly personal one to her because her Mother is currently a two time cancer patient and survivor.

During her walk, she told me of a particularly difficult time when the trail became steep and all uphill. She related how difficult that part of her journey was. I remember her telling me that although this may have been the most challenging place in her walk, the thing that she remembered the most was those who were sitting on the sidelines cheering her and all of the others on.
She spoke about how these people had set up little tables of water and other things, and how they would call out encouraging words as the walkers passed by. She said that they would be smiling and even holding up signs, all in an effort to show their appreciation at what was taking place before them.
I can remember how she stated that “everybody can do something” as she told me how much she wanted us to take the time to participate in the following year’s walk along with her. She said that those who were cheering them on had meant so much to her and all of the others who were walking. She shared how much that bit of encouragement had meant to her, and what a tremendous difference it had made in her ability to continue.

I have thought a lot about her experience and her words that day. It reminded me of how important it is for us to encourage one another. The truth is that even a little bit of encouragement can make a huge difference. It can make the difference of someone being able to find the strength to continue on in their journey.

This was a physical journey that she was on, but the same stands true to us on our spiritual journeys as well. At times we can feel as if we have gone as far as we can possibly go and that we just don’t have the strength to carry us on any further. It may feel as if the “deck is stacked against us” as the saying goes. We may feel as if we are all alone and that we cannot see anyone around us for what seems like miles and miles.

This is the exact time when an encouraging phone call, an email or even a text message can make all the difference to someone. It really doesn’t matter how we transport it, it matters only that we do. Today we live in such an “instant” society where it almost seems as if all of our needs can be met almost immediately. It seems as if everyone is so independent and so capable of taking care of themselves.

Perhaps it is because of this that we tend to forget that we all really need each other. The Lord placed us all here on this earth… together. That was His plan. He did not want us to be alone, but He wanted us to be able to fellowship and to be helpful and kind to one another. He wanted us to love one another, as He loves us.

Today I hope to remind each of you, as I myself have once again been reminded, how very important our encouragement is to one another. If ever there was a time that it was needed in our society, that time would be now. There are a lot of people who are experiencing hardships of all kinds all around us. That says to me that there are a lot of opportunities. Take the time to look around you. I am more than confident that you will find someone who needs some encouragement. Perhaps today you will be all the difference in that person’s liffe.

Written by Beverley A. Napier
Inspired by Valerie Timiteo
March 25, 2011

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