
“Standing In The Light Of Christ”

Devotional for April 29, 2011

The following article was written by my dear friend, Patty Rose. It was published in the March 2011 edition of “Daughters Journal Quarterly Newspaper for Incarcerated Women” and is being shared here with Patty’s consent by Beverley A. Napier.

“Standing In The Light Of Christ”

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
1John 1:7

In the light of Christ we are restored, healed and made whole. It is there that we see who we are and where Jesus mends and repairs us for His glory. God promises to restore our souls as He says in Psalm 23:3 and it is in Christ where shattered lives are restored. It is the place of being unshackled and set free.

So many of us stay outside the light due to past shame, abuse, and brokenness and stay in bondage. We are afraid of the light, believing the lie that if we step into it we will be exposed and shamed even more. The truth is that it is just the opposite as it is only in the light that we can be set free and made new and whole. Do you know that God an actually turn it around in such a way that what was once so very painful can now just be a fact that you can talk about to help others? Oh yes, that is what He does and He does it for all who come to Him.

So, what stops us? For me it was trust as it may be for you too. Will He really do it for me? Can He? Am I just too messed up and beyond help? Maybe nobody will believe me if I tell them. Maybe it is hopeless. These are the questions I asked myself and more. Maybe I was too damaged and beyond repair and could only settle for the crumbs. Maybe this is as good as it gets. Maybe the best stuff is for the “perfect” Christians. I can tell you today those thoughts were all lies but at one time they were really the reality of what I believed.

As a victim of rape at a very young age I understand the lies of the enemy well. For many years I was afraid of the light because of the shame inside. The enemy of my soul had me in bondage and although I believed in Jesus I was not free in Jesus. I would go to Church and worship Him and go to bible study but at home alone in my bed I knew something was terribly wrong. I knew I was not free and I was angry and afraid inside. I felt different from others and yet I so desired to be made whole. I wanted what I saw other Christians had but I though it would never happen for me. I spent years believing in Jesus but still in darkness in the most painful places of my heart.

Maybe that is you today and maybe you are wondering if you will ever be free. My hope in writing this is that you will see that you don’t have to wonder any longer. Jesus will and does set people free every day. He really is who He says He is and in Him is everything we need to live new and whole lives. He knows everything about you just like He did me. He was just waiting for me to listen to Him and stop listening to the lies of my past. Oh, how He is faithful. We only need to step in and He will begin the healing process. It is in the light of Christ that the lies are exposed, the sins of our past cleansed and where Jesus begins the restoration process.

Does this mean it will be easy? No! In fact it is very painful. But in the bigger picture of things it is easier than continuing year in and year out with the condemning thoughts of the enemy. Plus it is the way to our freedom. It is painful to look inside at the pain and shame that lurk there. You many be like I was, wanting Jesus to take it all away like He did the drugs, the smoking and the lying and stealing and all of that outward stuff. But He doesn’t work that way. He wants to heal and restore our fractured souls and that takes time. He wants to replace all of the junk with more of Himself and develop His character in us and that takes work. He has done it for me. Will you let Him do it for you, too? He is gentle and kind and compassionate and will work on you tenderly. He is Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Light of the world and His ways are not man’s ways. He does things for good and not for harm. I have found Him to be the most trustworthy Person I have ever met and I know you will discover that too.

If you don’t let God deal with the pain and shame of your past then the enemy will continue to control you through fear, insecurity, lies and shame. Satan’s ways never change and they are always condemning. God’s way may be painful but it is always done win the perfect love of His Son with mercy, conviction and healing at hand.

You will never know who you truly were created to be until you let the light of Christ shine into your life. It is then and there that you begin to see the woman God created you to be and it is nothing like the picture of shame that satan portrays to you. We may be products of our past but through Jesus we no longer need to be prisoners of our past.

Oh yeah, we serve a big God. He can take the most broken of hearts and abused souls and transform them for His purposes. As we stand in His light we can say along with Joseph from Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Without Jesus our lives would just be another tragedy but because of Him we not only are delivered, healed and restored but we live to save other people from the same bondage as we bring them into the light of Christ, too.

Will you take a leap of faith today and step into the light with me? You will learn to love the YOU God created you to be and the journey will be better than anything you could have imagined.

by Patty Rose


So Many Sorrows

Devotional for April 28, 2011

Immediately I knew something was wrong, my mother’s voice was high and quick, her words tumbling as she explained…just got the call…long time…options are none and none. I can tell she is squeezing her eyes shut trying to stop the torrent of emotions but the tears find their way as her voices cracks and her anguish refuses to be restrained.

My mother’s best friend has pancreatic cancer. She has probably had it for a long time, and there are no options available from the medical community. Her friend’s relationship with God is strong and deep - the result of years of study, prayer and determination to grow in Him. She is holding onto the scripture:

• Psalm 23:4 (KJV)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

What’s a friend to do?

• Proverbs 17:17 (KJV)
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Pour out your heart to God. Can’t think what to pray? Pray what you know with thanks. For example: “Dear God, I don’t understand this, I don’t know what You are doing, but I know You are Good. I trust You, Lord. Please heal my friend. Please bless this family. Please draw everyone together and protect them from the enemy. Help me to deal with my emotions in a healthy way - so that I can be a support at this time.”

Be there.
There are a thousand little quirks in friendships: ways of behaving and talking, which make our relationships with each other different and special. It is not unusual for people to pull away during a crisis because one, they fear getting in the way or being a burden, and two, they do not know what to do. Whether you can visit often, or call or write, just do it. Don’t allow your friend’s situation to become out of sight, out of mind.

Recently I had a neighbor who fought many health battles one after another for years. Her husband set up a page on a website that allowed him to keep all who wished to know informed at one time. Well, she could never remember me, but I found a way to contribute a small bit of support and friendship. In the guest book on this site, I would say something positive about her husband’s last post, make a little joke if something was funny, and then talk about people in the neighborhood-that so and so was out walking his dogs yesterday -that the squirrels are especially rambunctious this spring pestering our furry friends. Then I would sign it, your friends in the neighborhood.

Often there are many things that need to be said at times of crisis. But it doesn’t mean that you are the person to do it. Some people want to talk about themselves. What is important is that you follow the lead of your friend.

A friend described the following: my father was still unconscious in ICU on day 2, when an acquaintance from our church arrived, said hello to us, and then just sat there, silently, for thirty minutes. She continued: it was amazing how comforting that was to me and my family.

Be gentle.
Care givers, spouses, children, and others all have their own burdens of grief to bear. Extend God’s grace to them by being kind and patient: no matter how they talk or act. One of the greatest gifts we give any friend is when we love those people that they love. This may be a perfect time to put into practice loving your enemies

(Matt 5:44).
 It is possible, through God, to love someone you would never choose to love

(Philippians 4:13).
At this time, it is all about your friend.

Tell them you love them.
This is not a competition about who is the most upset or the most important. Do tell them how you feel in a way that will comfort and reassure - telling someone you can’t live without them creates a burden. Right now, it is your turn to carry:

• Galatians 6:2 (KJV)
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Be practical.
A friend who has walked this path said that he didn’t know what to say when people offered to help. He honestly couldn’t think of anything. But that the offers were appreciated and gave him comfort. Sometimes people in need turn down offers to help because they don’t want to be a burden. There are ways to persist. Deliver a meal in disposable containers or trays with heating instructions. Give a gift card and menu for a local restaurant that delivers. A crisis usually increases financial burdens so anything you can do to help will be a blessing.

One last tidbit from a hospice website:
do not think it all depends upon you. It is a blessing to people to have the opportunity to be of assistance - so take your turn - but don’t try to do everything.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins



To Live Is Christ

Recently in a neighboring school district, there have been several young lifes that have been snuffed out due to suicide. There have also been many young people that have attempted to end their life in that same school district. These precious guys and gals have believed the lie from Satan that life has no purpose and no meaning. That saddens me greatly.
My soul purpose on this earth is to know Jesus more, and to serve Him and live for Him each day. From the time I get up in the morning, until the time I go to bed, I want to experience God in amazing ways. I want to be His vessel in which He can flow through and use me in powerful ways to transform lifes. In Philippians 1:21A it sums up what I am saying in a nutshell. It says "For to me, to live is Christ..." He is my purpose and my meaning for life.

I look forward to meeting my Savior, Jesus, knowing, what I did on this earth for Him was not in vain. For only what is done in this life for Christ, will last for all of eternity. My desire, when I leave this earth and enter into heaven is to hear those beautiful, six words. Those words are" Well done, good and faithful servant." Christ is truly my reason for living.



Seeking good and a covenant with God!

Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD,
the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. 
Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate:
it may be that the LORD God of hosts
will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.
Amos 5: 14-15


Note something of considerable importance to church members: Both Isaiah and Amos addressed their counsel to people who had already made a covenant with God. Why? Because these Israelites were in serious spiritual trouble within the relationship that the covenant created. These are stern exhortations for them to get on the ball.

A second but not readily apparent reason why these warnings are important to us is that seeking after God truly does not begin until after He reveals Himself to us and we make the covenant with Him. Many do not realize that seeking God is the main occupation for a Christian during the sanctification process. Amos is clear regarding this.

God warns how devastating the coming perilous times will be, then He counsels us to seek the help of One far greater—our Creator and Ruler. Finally, He urges us to turn our everyday conduct to seeking to do good, showing care for God and His people.

Amos is not charging the Israelites to seek God in order to find Him because, at the very least, they were acquainted with Him, having already made the covenant with Him. However, that He charges them with seeking Him reveals that despite making the covenant, what they knew about Him had not been translated into everyday living or being like Him. This indicates that they were just drifting along with the times.

Four times in Amos 5, he urges them to seek God, and two of those times, he adds, "that you may live." This thought ties directly into John 17:3, which indicates that, more than being just endless existence, eternal life is a quality of life. As we proceed, we will see that they were being exhorted to seek God because, despite having made the covenant, they had stopped seeking Him, and the effect of stopping was their poor spiritual condition and subsequently, their imminent destruction at the hand of the Assyrians.

Submitted by : Annie


It is with mixed emotions that I turn on the television to watch the daily newscasts. I do want to know what is happening in the world so that I can be aware and pray specifically over various issues. However the events which currently unfold before us are astonishing to say the least and, many times, appalling if not horrific. There are days when, taking into consideration the world conditions, I feel that the Lord's return must be near.

However, the Word of God is a rock and fortress to us. One scripture is especially comforting to me. Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (KJV) Furthermore, Psalm 46 assures us that, "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. The Lord Almighty is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress." (NLT)

With all of this being said, the main issue on my heart is that we should pray daily for the salvation of our friends, peers, and all loved ones. Also my plea is that the Gospel would go forth in power throughout this nation and the world. May God's Word be received by open hearts and result in abundant and eternal life.

Written by CF



Easter Sunday Devotional

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ could not be contained even within a grave. He has paid the price for our sins by his death on the cross, and on the third day rose from the dead, that we might have eternal life. What a glorious event! What a marvelous message we have to share with the world! Even hundreds of years before his birth, these things were foretold:

Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand. After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. Isaiah 53 (emphasis on the resurrection in vs 10-11) NIV

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:9-11 NIV

When the disciples saw Jesus die, and he was placed in a grave, they must have been devastated. They had no hope of ever seeing their Lord alive again. But sometimes what appears to be hopeless is really not. We don't have God's perspective. I have a rose bush that was just a dead looking stump in my back yard when we moved here one year ago. I was anticipating digging it up, but much to my surprise, it eventually sprouted some green shoots. And now, there are two gorgeous red roses blooming on it! We must never lose hope in our Lord, that He is in control and has our life all handled, especially our eternal life!

May the Lord give us the courage and the strength to continually share the Good News with others! What more can be said?

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Written by Jan  Andersen


The Innocent Man Premium


“If I’d only known this morning that he might have been innocent, I’d have charged him ‘The Innocent Man Premium’.” That’s straight from the lawyer’s mouth in the book, now movie, Lincoln Lawyer. He, the lawyer, is referring to a practice of charging more for an innocent man who has been falsely accused. Why? Well, because there’s no easy way out. For a guilty man, the defense can bargain for a lesser charge and sentence, but an innocent man requires a lot more work to defend. Shocking, isn’t it? Well, maybe not…after all, lawyers have a reputation to uphold.

The concept brings to my mind another innocent man who paid a premium, the only man who ever was completely innocent. The price He paid was not for His own defense, for He was given the verdict of our guilt, but He paid the price for our innocence.

Who’d have thought that their 3 year high would’ve ended so horrifically? At first they all scattered in fear at the sight of Roman soldiers making the arrest. Those military men were very good at their job. Their intimidation and follow through, their ruthless tactics, their creative ways of torture made them seem as if they had no conscience at all. Then, in spite of fear, the curiosity of the disciples placed them in the crowd of onlookers to witness a type of death well known in the region and probably observed from time to time with little empathy because, after all, the victims were criminals.

Never before had they thought so carefully about the details of a crucifixion, and when it was over, they found no rest. They suffered a replay over and over and over again of every cry, gasp, wrenched expression, stumble, quivering muscles…the list of details of what their eyes beheld go on and on. No matter how hard they tried that Saturday, they could not stop the traumatizing recap of the torture and death of their beloved Jesus the night before.

Is that what that whole scenario was…an “Innocent Man Premium”? But that’s the charge to defend an innocent man, and Jesus was not defended. He was silent as he was falsely accused. There was no arguing, no bargaining…He was led to the slaughter like a lamb.

On the other hand, His death is our defense isn’t it? For all those in Christ, our criminal charges are considered false in the eyes of God when Satan stands before Him accusing us. When…and only when…we accept the forgiveness Jesus Christ offers us, every finger pointed at us by our adversary is given the verdict of “Innocent”. Our defender is our Lord Jesus Himself. He did the work of our defense and He paid the premium for us. We never had to pay it. But, oh what a high price it was.

It’s understood that crucifixion was and is the most painful form of execution. Was Jesus’ more painful than anyone else’s? That’s quite possible. I’ve read about the details of what Jesus suffered through. I’ve asked myself about the chances of any other person suffering through each one of those details. I believe it’s likely that many have suffered through several of them, but even if some experienced them all, there’s one more aspect that might put Jesus’ suffering over the top. It’s a detail that is often missed, overlooked or disregarded as having anything to do with the horror of His crucifixion. It happened in the garden.

The intensity of the battle going on in our Lord’s spirit while He prayed had a physical effect. Sweating drops of blood is not just a poetic use of words to dramatize His anxiety. It’s a medical condition called hematidrosis. It’s a breakdown of the capillaries in the sweat glands causing blood to seep into the sweat. The after effect is understood to be an increase in the sensitivity of the skin. The pain He experienced the next day was very likely intensified due to this occurrence.

I have for years wondered why His death had to be so horrific. I understood that death was necessary. God says that death is the consequence of sin. The death of a sinless man was enough to cover every sin and consequences of those sins for all those who believe and ask for His forgiveness. Sure that makes sense, but I never understood the reason behind the torture.

Wouldn’t you know it? My pastor had that same question, and a couple of weeks ago, he offered an explanation. Scripture gives us insight to this question. It was the high price that had to be paid. Death is the bottom line price for sin. However, Satan was like a prosecuting attorney at a sentence hearing demanding a higher penalty or price. He demanded one high enough that he thought maybe, just maybe, Jesus wouldn’t go through with it. If we were bought with a price, just who do you think we were bought from?

I can just see it. As my Lord battled in His spirit, alone in that garden, while His closest friends drifted off to sleep, Satan was standing before the Father upping the price more and more. Jesus begged the Father to find a way out, but still said, “Your will be done….” It was God’s will for His Son to pay whatever had to be paid. The deal was made, signed and sealed with sweat tinged with blood. He got up, left the garden, and paid the price. He paid the “Innocent Man Premium” so that we would be set free and declared innocent.

The gavel did not hit the moment that Jesus breathed His last breath that Friday. It remained raised in the air hour after hour the next day while the disciples were remembering every detail. The clock was ticking waiting for that gavel to finish the job, and it did not make the final slam until the entire price was paid…midnight…Sunday morning…the gavel came down…it was enough to move the stone and raise the Son.

Every last penny was paid, and the verdict? Well, that’s up to you. What’s your verdict? Are you guilty or innocent? We’re all guilty until we accept the defense that’s already been paid at a premium cost. If you don’t accept it, you’ll have to pay for it yourself. What are you waiting for?

Amie Spruiell 4/18/2011


I knoq your touch, Lord!

Devotional for 4/22/11

“For You did form my inward parts;
You did knit me together in my mother’s womb”
Psalm 139:13
Amplified bible

If you are anything like me, there have been times in which you have thought about all of the things that have been allowed to “touch” your life. I am talking about the things that you would never have chosen, had you been given a choice. I am talking about the things that you could never have been prepared for, even if you had been aware of their coming.

Because we live in a fallen world, there are things all around us that “touch” us. Sin touches our lives, both our own sins and the sins of others. Sometimes the sins of others touch us before we are old enough to understand. Sometimes those sins touch us when we are older, but we still don’t understand why. At times those sins can leave us in a constant battle, always trying to overcome the ways in which they have affected us and our lives.

What I love about the above verse is that before anything else had ever been allowed to “touch” us, the Bible says that it was God Who touched us first. It says that He “formed us in our mother’s womb”. When I think about the word “form”, I think about a piece of clay which is being held in someone’s hands. I think about that piece of clay being carefully “molded” into shape.

It causes me to think that the one who is molding has a desired shape in mind, and is carefully working with the clay in order to form that shape. I imagine that he would have “formed” the clay into this shape in his mind first, and that he would then have had to approve of it. After that he would have set about the task of pouring himself wholeheartedly into the making of his creation. I know that he would do this lovingly, for that is what creators do. This is what our Creator did with each one of us.

How wonderful to think about God creating us in this way. It amazes me to think that He actually purposed us to be exactly the way that we are. There are so many thoughts that we could choose to examine here, but the one that I would like to stay with is this. Before anyone, or anything, else ever touched our lives, it was God Who touched us first.

This has to mean that we are acquainted with Him. Whether we like it or not, there is nothing that comes close enough to touch us that we do not become deeply acquainted with. Often times with this thought, we remember those things that have “touched” us in an undesirable way. There’s any number of things that could be named here. Death, abandonment, abuse… perhaps you would name other things, so I will let you fill in the blanks. But then, here it is clearly stated, that before anything else in our lives, we had first been touched by God. That thought is completely comforting and beautiful to me.

So often I have found myself going through life with a feeling of “searching” for something. I have come to understand that it was the touch of God in my life that I was searching for. No matter what else it was that I could find it had always left me empty inside. There was nothing that could ever truly satisfy that “empty” place inside of me. Sure, there were things that at the time, felt as if they could, but they never lasted. In fact, they inevitably caused a place of deeper emptiness for me to fill than the one with which I had started with.

I believe that God does everything with a purpose. I believe that He purposes to touch our lives first, before anything else does, because He desires for us to know what it is that is true. He knows that we will be born into this fallen world, and that there will be a vast amount of deception here. He wants us to know the difference between what is true and what is counterfeit. He actually gives us the “advantage”, if you will, by touching us first with truth, the truth of His love for us.

I  believe that it has always been God’s desire for us to choose to come back to Him. How is it that we could “come back” to someone whom we had never known to begin with? A lot of us have grown up thinking that we have never known God. I believe that the exact opposite is true. I believe that the truth is this. The truth is that we have always known Him, and He has always known us… long before we were ever born.

Written by Beverley A. Napier
on April 20, 2011


We Are Not Alone

Devotional for 4/20/11

The economy, tsunami’s, earthquakes, poverty, fear, divorce, sickness, anger, hurt, rejection: a short list of things that can overwhelm my mind, filling my thoughts to the brim of my cup and overflowing into every area. I look around at the chaos and wonder, “What then should I do?” I hear a still small voice say, “Come to Me.”

He loves us - He’s been calling you and me to Him
since the day He knit us together in our mother’s wombs
(Psalm 139:13).

John 3:18 (The Message)
"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.”

Think you’ve messed up too much for God to have any interest in you? Welcome to the club, we have all sinned and are unable to reach God by our own goodness. (Romans 3:23). Good news! If you believe in, trust in, and cling to God then the following scripture is true for you.

Romans 8:31-39 (NLT)
Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love 31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. 35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Here are two beautiful songs that remind us that we are not the only ones who need to come out of hiding, to let go of anything we are holding onto, and that He is waiting for us with open arms.

Rest by Nevertheless from their album In the Making (2008)

Something Classic - “Just As I Am” lyrics by Charlotte Elliott (1835)
God has not abandoned us nor left us
(2 Corinthians 4:8-10).
If we cry out to Him in our despair, He will rescue us
(Psalm 142).

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Looking Onto Jesus

Discouragement is never a fun thing to experience, especially if it's you or me walking through it. I recently was feeling very discouraged and distraught. I started telling God all what I was feeling (as if He didn't know), and on and on, and began to really get myself in a "spirtual slump." I ranted and raved at God of the unfairness and let the Lord know I was ready to go home to be with Him. In other words I was not willing to face my trials and heaven was a way out for me. The more I mulled over my mind the situation, the deeper I went into a "spiritual slump." The solution at that moment was go to bed and deal with it the next day.

That next day happened to be a Sunday. I don't know about you, but sometimes the last place I want to be when I am discouraged is church. When I walked through those church doors that morning, I realized I was in the right place. I needed to be surrounded at that time with a body of believers who loved God and loved me and were genuine about their faith.

As I walked through those doors that Sunday morning, worship had already begun and I was determined to worship my King regardless how I felt or how big my problem was. I chose to worship Him with abandonment. The most wonderful thing happened that Sunday morning. God's love began to pour out over me and I began to experience His peace, joy and presence and freedom in Him. He truly inhabits the praises of His people!

It is truly amazing how the situation so changed when I chose to get my eyes off of myself and onto Jesus. I begin to lay aside all the weights that were holding me down, and the sin that was ensnaring me. In other words, I threw "my stuff" at the feet of Jesus. I chose to fix my eyes on Jesus.
It is then when I experienced great joy and great encouragement!!

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Written by Sandy


Self Denial

Devotional for 4/19/11

Then said Jesus unto his disciples,
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself,
and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it:
and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:24-25


Like the Messiah, we must deny ourselves.

Put Satan into this picture. What is he going to do to us? Through disinformation and affecting our attitudes, he will lead us toward self-satisfaction, not self-denial, because self-satisfaction is the essence of sin. When we sin, we bring upon ourselves the death penalty.
To teach the right lesson, Jesus immediately taught—to counteract what Satan was subtly teaching through Peter—that the way to the Kingdom of God is through self-denial, not self-satisfaction. Satan will try to persuade us not to deny ourselves but to fulfill ourselves at the expense of others.

Another thing this can teach us is that great temptations can come through well-meaning friends. Peter meant well. It must have shocked him right out of his sandals when Jesus turned and said, "Get behind Me, Satan!" right in Peter's face. Jesus was probably not angry, just urgent, so that Peter would grasp what had happened.

Surely, God would not want us to face this kind of a trial, would He? Yes, it could happen if the temptation comes through well-meaning people. We are particularly vulnerable when we can be led to believe that we are not being treated as we deserve.

Satan used this major ploy against Adam and Eve: "Oh, has God said so? He's withholding from you." Such was his implication. "Why, if you do things the way you want, you can have much more. You can be god." We always want more; it is part of human nature.

Unfortunately, mankind keeps making things worse by making the same general mistakes over and over again in each generation. It will not end until each individual decides he will not do it regardless of the cost to himself. This is denying oneself. Some things in life are beyond our control, and we must leave them to God to solve.

submitted by : Annie



The daffodil has always been one of my "top picks" for spring flowers. It is such a brilliant and cheerful blossom, golden in color and trumpet like in shape. For some time I have attempted to grow these pretty posies from bulbs, but with very little success. Each season I would purchase a package of bulbs, plant them in the ground, and wait with patience and grand expectations for the emerging flowers in the spring. Year after year I would be disappointed as only one or two flowers would appear as a result of the myriad of bulbs which had been planted. I finally discovered that most of the bulbs had either been dug up by industrious resident squirrels or had rotted as a result of soggy winter soil. Then one April day I came across some cut daffodil blooms at a local grocery chain. They were not quite open and were for sale at a very low price. I purchased a small bouquet, brought them home, placed them on my kitchen counter and thoroughly enjoyed their "smiling faces" every time I cooked our meals and washed the dishes. I found that I could bring these delightful flowers home about four times each season. For a low price, probably less than I had spent on bulbs, I could experience the joy of daffodils without the struggle which I had undergone by attempting to grow them myself.

This experience reminds me of the concept that God is an incredibly creative Deity. He has innovative solutions for all of our dilemmas. There are times when we just cannot see how we are going to navigate our way through a certain challenge. However, as we seek the Lord in prayer He will reveal to us a solution which we would never have thought of on our own. This can be especially comforting and encouraging as we confront troublesome relationships. The Lord can speak to us in many different ways in response to our petitions. He might use a conversation with a friend or a magazine, book, or internet article. We may receive an impression from the Holy Spirit or even hear the audible voice of God. A church sermon or the pure Word of the Lord from the Bible can lead us to the answer we are searching for. Two scriptures which offer us hope in this regard are: "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who asks." Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT) "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

Written by CF



Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13:7 NIV

Tax Day in the US is usually on April 15th, unless that date is on a weekend, in which case it falls on the next business day... or if the 15th or the next business day after a weekend 15th is an observed holiday, like this year. Emancipation Day is celebrated in Washington, D.C. on April 16th, but since that was a Saturday this year, it was observed by the government on Friday, the 15th. That therefore moved tax day this year to the 18th, tomorrow.

So, what is Emancipation Day? It is a day to celebrate President Lincoln's signing in 1862 of the Compensated Emancipation Act which freed about 3100 slaves in the District of Columbia. This occurred 9 months before Lincoln's famous Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Day, April 16th, was not declared an official public holiday until 2005. This may explain why many people had no idea why Tax Day was moved to the 18th this year, including me.

For some people Tax Day is dreaded, perhaps due to all of the paperwork involved, or due to the debt that is owed. For other people Tax Day brings up feelings of resentment that the government takes so much of what is earned by the people and spends it on things they don't necessarily support. The way the government handles this money may be seen as irresponsible and wasteful at times, leading some to feel hopeless or frustrated. But in spite of this, we are told in the verse above that we are to pay what we owe to all, including taxes, revenue, respect and honor. This is commanded even if we disagree with those in charge, because the governing authorities are established by God, even if they are not Christian or are not doing what we believe is right. God can still work through corrupt governments, just as he continues to work through us, his sinful human beings. And we owe the authorities revenue, respect and honor, just as we owe them to God, the greatest Authority. He emancipated us from our bondage to sin, death and the devil by sending his son, Jesus, to die in our place and rise again in order that we would be saved. We could never have paid the debt we owed to God on our own, so He paid it for us. And out of thanks for what he has done, we are motivated to give him our time, talents, treasures and testimony, honoring his sacrifice for us.

We are celebrating Palm Sunday today. As Jesus entered Jerusalem on a young donkey, God's people shouted "Hosanna" and waved palm branches and spread them on the road. However, they were expecting an earthly authority and ruler, or king. Many of those same people who were honoring Jesus that day turned against him just a few days later. We often do that too, one moment being grateful and praising God, and not much later forgetting all his wonderful work in our lives, turning away from him, or even denying him. And still our Lord forgives us. What a blessing! Our God is such an awesome God, how can we not give him all our adoration and praise?

We pray that God will give us the clarity and ability to give what we owe to all, especially those in authority, including taxes, revenue, respect and honor. May He continually remind us of all he has done for us, especially in his son, Jesus, whose triumphal entry into Jerusalem we celebrate today. And later this week as we remember his last supper with the disciples and his crucifixion on the cross, as well as his resurrection which we celebrate on Easter, may we give him thanks and praise for freeing us from slavery to sin. May we see that we owe him our entire life for all our debt being paid, and may we forever give all reverence and exaltation to the ultimate authority in our life, God himself.

With all glory, laud and honor to God, by Jan Andersen


Read It And Reap

This is a story about Wayne, Roxanne, Thurston, Verle, Helen and Pastor Sam. They all went to church one Sunday and listened to the message. It was a great message. Pastor Sam was on a role preaching straight God’s Word. Sammy was sowing seeds like you wouldn’t believe. Among others, five people heard the Pastor Sam’s message and considered what they heard.

Wayne was there simply to be a people pleaser. Some of the members of this church happened to be important people in his life. To make an impression, Wayne came to their church. With a smile on his face, he listened. However, Wayne did not have really an intention to let the words of the Pastor sink in. Sitting in the pew, he thought to himself that he would make this one effort. He thought he would enjoy a nice little debate about it afterward. He figured that he could then say that church was something to try, but that he didn’t really need it.

See, Wayne believed he did his best as a good person. Why choose this church when other organizations taught how to live good lives? Finally, he didn’t see any reason to follow silly traditions of some religion. After all, there are too many arguments against their beliefs anyway. Wayne never came to hear Pastor Sam again. He never became a believer in Jesus Christ.

Roxanne was in church on this particular Sunday because she was curious and wanted to know more about Jesus. She’d heard a lot of opinions. She even did some research herself. It was partly because of a college assignment, but truthfully she too wanted to know. She found the message to be interesting enough to consider that it might be true. In fact, at the end of the sermon, she was so moved she even came up to talk to someone. She then decided she needed this in her life and repeated the prayer of the woman with her. Afterwards, she felt excited and at peace. She thanked the woman and left thinking about what she felt. She thought about other things going on in her life and how it would all be different now.

Roxanne went home to find some bad news. She was caught blindsided by this news and became angry. Slamming cabinet doors throughout her studio apartment, she heard some banging on the wall and shouting from the other side. She realized that the neighbors were home, and not happy with her tantrum. She started to cry, and the rest of the day was miserable. Next morning, Roxanne woke up and remembered what had happened in church. She took a deep breath and wondered if any of it was real. In fact, every day for the next week, when she spoke to anyone about her experience, their response made Roxanne question the whole incident.

Sunday came but she had a terrible fever and did not go to church. She saw a doctor and got some medication for an ear infection. Due to some other concerns of Roxanne that she thought were minor but brought them up anyway, the doctor ordered special tests. It took about a month to get all the results. Come to find, Roxanne had some serious health issues. The day that Roxanne got the test results, she also found out that one of her closest friends, who was a Christian woman, was getting a divorce after finding out about her husband’s affair.

Roxanne felt so overwhelmed she didn’t know what to do. One thing she did know is that she trusted in God, and then bad things happened. She became so full of anger, that she directed it all toward Him. She spent the next several months telling God that it wasn’t fair to have all this happen to her (or her Christian friend for that matter) after believing in Him. She finally came to a point of giving up. Shaking her fist in the air, as if she was hitting the One she thought was responsible for her misery, she said that she takes it all back and would never trust in God again.

Roxanne spent the rest of her life searching other religions, but never truly found what she was looking for. She finally married and expected him to make her happy, but they struggled and eventually divorced. Roxanne died alone and sad blaming God for everything.

Thurston enjoyed Pastor Sam’s message as well. He was taken with the power of it, the confidence behind it, and the raw truth it revealed. Raised in a religious family, Thurston was never quite on board with their ideas and beliefs. He had respect for his parents and their efforts, and was impressed with their diligence in following everything to the “T”. However, there was something different in the message he heard this particular morning. He too went up to speak to someone after the service, but chose to speak directly to the pastor himself. It was a great conversation wrapped up with a mighty prayer. Thurston believed wholeheartedly.

After he gave his life to the Lord that morning, he decided to follow the pastor’s advice to get to know other believers. Pastor Sam suggested that they could meet regularly, or that he could join a Bible Study group. He decided to join the group. It went well at first, but life (and the corporate world) got busy and drew him away. Then he bought a devotional, but it was left on the nightstand to get dusty. He continued in regular church attendance and enjoyed the worship. He considered himself to be a good, maybe somewhat average, Christian man. He didn’t see himself with any special gifts for serving the church, but felt that it would just keep him humble.

Thurston married a Christian woman who was a believer since her childhood. They did O.K. Their marriage was fine and they had a couple of kids. Life wasn’t perfect for them. One of their kids struggled in school and behavior, but they persevered through it. His wife’s aging mother had to live with Thurston and his family for the last 8 years of her life. It was right when they were going through the “teenage” years with their kids. Grandma had Alzheimer’s so life in their home was extremely stressful. After Grandma passed and the kids moved out to begin their own families, Thurston and his wife felt like life was going downhill for them. Their adult children actually caused them more trouble now than they did as adolescents. Thurston just didn’t understand why life had to be so difficult, but never-the-less, he knew that no matter what happened, he still had God.

In their retirement, their marriage struggled. They bickered so much it felt unbearable. After all the years of marriage, though, they stuck it out. Then Thurston was diagnosed with lung cancer. He never was able to overcome the addiction of tobacco, and now was suffering the consequences of it. Thurston’s life was taken by this disease, succumbing at the age of 71. He finally went to be with Jesus.

Now, Verle’s story is amazing. When she heard Pastor Sam’s message that Sunday morning, she was there with her friend Helen. Verle and Helen had many conversations about the pastor’s message. Verle wasn’t convinced at first, but she was intrigued. She made quite an effort to test Helen’s knowledge as well as Pastor Sam’s. She met with and confided in him. She joined a Bible study and then one day, she made the decision to give her life to Jesus.

Whether it was financial or emotional, Verle had a lot of problems. She had already been divorced and had to share custody of her son. It seemed that car trouble followed her. She never felt like she had a reliable vehicle. Also, Verle suffered with a medical condition that required lots of medication just to function day to day.

After Verle became a Christian, and she joined the study, she confided in the ladies about her issues. Week after week, there were plenty of opinions around the table about what she should do and how she should do it. With conflicting pieces of advice, Verle compared everything to God’s Word. She also stayed closely connected to Helen. The two of them spent tons of time in prayer, and worked together to clear up any misconceptions Verle started to develop. After awhile, she was finding victory in many areas of life. Month after month, year after year, she was growing into a strong woman of God. She spoke the Word with authority when she prayed, and believed with all her heart that her prayers would be answered.

It started with the vehicles. Little miracles were happening. Then financial breaks were starting to occur…nothing that made her rich enough for the easy life, but just enough to get by. Verle eventually led her son, ex-husband and even her doctor to the Lord. She found herself weaning off many of her medications. She and her husband remarried. They felt led to serve and so began a ministry for disadvantaged children in the city. They struggled but overcame. They became content with God’s blessings and rich in their spirit. They lived in a way that made a difference in the lives of everyone around them.

What you’ve just read is “The Parable of the Sower”. Some of the seeds fall by the wayside…like with Wayne. This is the hardened heart of an unbeliever who never receives God’s Word and so never believes because birds steal the seed away. Some fall on rocky soil…like with Roxanne…and the roots never go down deep. The shoots are scorched by life. However, it’s not the scorching that destroys, but the shallow roots. Because of the rockiness and therefore shallow roots, this believer cannot stand under the scorching of life. This believer turns her back on God and rejects Him. Some fall on thorny soil…like with Thurston. The roots go down deep enough to withstand the heat of the sun, but spiritual thorns choke out the power of the Holy Spirit. This believer’s salvation is kept and preserved, but there is no fruit in his life. Some fall of fertile soil…like with Verle…and with the help of other believers…like Helen, she keeps her heart weeded so that no thorns are allowed to choke out the power of God’s Spirit. She produces a bountiful crop.

Amie Spruiell 4-15-2011