
To Live Is Christ

Recently in a neighboring school district, there have been several young lifes that have been snuffed out due to suicide. There have also been many young people that have attempted to end their life in that same school district. These precious guys and gals have believed the lie from Satan that life has no purpose and no meaning. That saddens me greatly.
My soul purpose on this earth is to know Jesus more, and to serve Him and live for Him each day. From the time I get up in the morning, until the time I go to bed, I want to experience God in amazing ways. I want to be His vessel in which He can flow through and use me in powerful ways to transform lifes. In Philippians 1:21A it sums up what I am saying in a nutshell. It says "For to me, to live is Christ..." He is my purpose and my meaning for life.

I look forward to meeting my Savior, Jesus, knowing, what I did on this earth for Him was not in vain. For only what is done in this life for Christ, will last for all of eternity. My desire, when I leave this earth and enter into heaven is to hear those beautiful, six words. Those words are" Well done, good and faithful servant." Christ is truly my reason for living.


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