
The Greatest Invitation of All

Devotional for 4/15/11

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world
that He (even) gave up His only begotten (unique) Son,
 so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him
shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal life.
The book of John Chapter 3 verse 16
~ Amplified Bible

What do you do when you’ve missed something? How do you feel? This morning I walked into Church and was greeted by a friend. He told me that “they” had missed me the night before. I was puzzled and asked him “where”? He then informed me that one of my closest friends had been given a Surprise Party for her 60th birthday.

I didn’t know what to say except, “I wasn’t invited”. He hurriedly went on to tell me that there had been some problems with the email invitations that had been sent out. Instantly I felt tears come to my eyes and an overwhelming sense of sadness enveloped me.

It took me nearly all of the Worship Service to get my focus back on the Lord. I participated in the last song, but I still felt as if I had (literally) just lost my best friend. As I processed through my feelings I realized some things.

I realized that although a big part of my sadness was because I felt totally left out, that wasn’t the deepest place of my sorrow. The deepest part of my sorrow came from the place that I had missed an opportunity to celebrate my dear friend, and her life. I had missed the opportunity to show her my love. I had missed the opportunity to tell her how much her example had impacted and influenced me in my own life through the years that I had known her. I had missed the opportunity to show her how deeply I felt about her, simply by showing up.

As I continued to sort through all of these feelings, I felt the Lord beginning to speak to my heart. He reminded me that there would come a day when He would come back and gather those whom He loved to Himself. He reminded me what a glorious day that would be… except for those who will be left behind.
He reminded me that those same feelings of being “left out” and “left behind” would be felt by many. There will be many who realize that they too, were “too late” to participate in the joy of that occasion. On that day there will be no “going back”, there will be no “rewinding” of time, there will be no second chances. The event will be over, and they will have missed it.

There is a difference though, between me and my friend’s Party, and what will take place when Jesus returns. In my case, there had been no invitation received. In the second coming of Jesus, all have been invited. No one has been left out, not one. When Jesus died for us on the cross, we each received an invitation to accept and embrace the sacrifice that He has given to us. He died in order to make a way for each of us to be reconciled with the Father.
How will we respond to this, the greatest of all invitations? Will we accept it? Will we be able to participate in the joy of that day when we will be once again reconciled with our Savior? And, if we do decide to accept that invitation for ourselves, will we then go out and tell others that they also have been given this great invitation?

It will be a sad day, this day when others will be left behind. Perhaps we will know some of those people. Perhaps some of those people will be those whom we have worked with, or lived next to. Perhaps some of those people will be those whom we have loved and cared for very deeply. Let us think about these things today, in order that we might spread the word, and be able to help lessen the number of those being left behind, tomorrow.

Thank you, Lord, for the invitation of reconciliation that you have given to each and every one of us. Thank you that it is your will that not one would be left out, or be left behind. Help us to live out your heart for others, in a tangible way, in our own lives. Please cause us to be effective in our efforts to minister to those around us… and help us to remember that although we are imperfect, that you can and will work perfectly, in and through. Have your way in all of us and fulfill your will. In Your precious, powerful and holy name we pray Jesus, Amen.

Written by Beverley A Napier
Written Sunday April 10, 2011

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