
Encouragement from Someone Who Cares!

Devotional for May 7, 2011
Shared by Amie Spruiell

This is for all those who are going through cancer treatments, has gone through them or knows someone who is. This is excellent advice from a strong woman. Listen and take it all in. And remember to bring all your concerns, all your worries, all your pain to Jesus. He says His yoke is light. He’ll be with you every step of the way.

You are special!

It's important to be good to yourself when you are going through physical challenges. I know from experience, as I have gone through two diagnoses of breast cancer, mastectomies, chemo and radiation. No matter what your situation, procedure or combination of treatments you are going through, your immune system is compromised. It needs a break. It needs some help to regroup. So plan some time into every day, maybe 2 or 3 times during the day to be good to yourself. Take naps (yes, you CAN take a nap more than once a day.) Get a massage (whether from a therapist or from a spouse, friend or family member). It doesn't have to be a whole body massage; hand and foot massages are very relaxing. Put on whatever kind of music you find relaxing. Try reflexology. Listen to visualization recordings for deep relaxation.

You see, when you are relaxed those little cells from the immune system that are under attack get a real boost and you are helping them do their job, which is to promote healing and make you stronger. Close your eyes and see those little cells going through your body gobbling up all the "bad cells", much like the old Pac man game, and producing more of the good cells. Make them a pretty color, and give them a fancy design...go wild...they are YOUR cells!

If you are used to being the caregiver for your family (and most women are) give yourself a break....let someone else be the caregiver, even if it is just for a few hours of the day. I know, it's hard, but you don't have to be super-woman-mom-wife right now. Save your strength for getting your health back. And remember...you ARE special...you ARE wonderful....beautiful....worthy…and LOVED!

Through a heart filled with hope,
Let us all see the future.
Through a heart filled with love,
Let us all freely give.
Through the eyes of a child,
Let us all see the blessings,
Of this life we've been given to live!

This poem came to me as I was sitting in line, waiting for a ferry to take me to Vashon Island for a 2-day harp camp one summer day 2010. I was thinking about my husband, Jerry. He had just had his cancer diagnosis. I was feeling a little uncomfortable about leaving him, but I also knew there was nothing I could do for him for those 2 days. Words started come to me, so I wrote them down on the back side of a piece of paper in my folder. They were just what I needed right then! Months later, I put these words to music. I hope they encourage you the way they’ve encouraged me.

Written by Lynda Friedel
Breast cancer survivor
Therapeutic Musician

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