

I just bought a book called "Praying our Goodbyes" by Joyce Rupp. She is a wonderful Christian author and has some amazing things to say in the numerous books she has written. I have only read the preface, introduction and first chapter of this one but would like to share some of what I have already discovered and thought about.

Life is full of goodbyes - to people when they leave or when they die, to jobs when we must make a change to a new one, to homes when we move, etc. Sometimes there is a goodbye to part of ourselves such as when someone loses function of part of their body, or loses a whole body part to amputation. Other goodbyes may be to parts of our history, such as when someone's childhood innocence is stolen from them through abuse. Goodbyes are unavoidable.

Sometimes we try to soften the blow of a goodbye by using different words, like "take care" or "see you later." Goodbye is actually a shortened form of "God be with ye" or "Go with God." That certainly puts a different feeling to it. This makes it into praying a blessing on the person that is parting:

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

Even though goodbyes are inevitable, we don't need to get stuck there. Whenever there is a goodbye, there is a new hello - to new people, new home, new job, our new situation, etc. They are reminders of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. They are also catalysts for growth. But we must see the goodbyes as a natural part of life, and as a cycle to the new things to come. That does not mean that we do not mourn the losses, but that we can see beyond them and know that eventually the mourning can turn into dancing.

Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness. Psalm 30:11 KJV
If we can pray goodbye instead of say goodbye, and allow God to help us heal and grow through these experiences, then we can find that we are able to move through them and also use those experiences to help others and to witness to the power of our Lord.

God be with you, Jan Andersen

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