
Laughter Is A Great Medicine From The Lord

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Devotional

I was recently attending a special class at a nearby church recently. After the teaching, they had a time of gathering in various groups. In our group we had a time of sharing and was asked a specific question on "what happens when you lean on your own understanding instead of the Lord's understanding?" We were set up in a circle, and shared in the order of the circle. One particular lady shared her heart and brought some humor in the midst of her time of sharing. It brought some loud chuckles from everyone in the group. The next lady in line to share begin to speak but all she could do was laugh. She couldn't seem to stay focused on what to say, because she was still tickled on what was said previously that brought many smiles and great laughter. She tried to be serious and speak, but all that would come out was hilarious laughter.

We have all been there at some time or other. You get the giggles from way down deep, and it just won't stop, no matter how hard you try. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 17:22 in the first part, "A merry heart does good, like medicine." It is a good thing to laugh and be joyous. God had a reason for giving us laughter. There is healing when joy and laughter are released in our life.

I remember reading that in some hospitals while the patient is recovering, the doctors will have their patients listen to comedy shows. Studies have shown that patients heal much faster when they are able to have times of laughing. Scripture says it is like medicine.

I am so thankful that God has given us laughter. It enriches our life and is beneficial for our well being. And it is free! Our God is so good to us and blessed each of us with the gift of laughter. Thank you Lord!

Written by Sandy
Devotional for 5/10/11

Philippians 4:3-4

4:3 And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life.

4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.


For some, this is difficult, and indeed, we all often stumble over it. We can be very gracious to God when things go well. Perhaps, after returning safely from a trip, we are quick to thank God for our successful arrival, as if He were personally responsible for the operations of all who worked to get us home. Suppose, however, that the trip was not so successful. Maybe we were involved in an accident and injured or delayed so that we were late for a meeting, costing a large sale or the loss of a client? Or maybe lightning struck the house, an earthquake damaged it, or a burglar broke in and stole valuables?

Do we see God's hand in these circumstances as well? Is God involved only in the "good" things of life? For example, did Job bemoan his "bad luck" or murmur against God? He bowed before Him, even managing to bless Him (Job 1:13-22)! Is this just fatalistic acquiescence or blind credulity? No, in people who live by faith, it is neither of these because real faith always rejoices in the Lord, knowing He is involved in all aspects of life.

Paul's exhortation to the Philippians church (Philippians 4:4) is nothing short of a call to faith of those undergoing some sort of heavy trial. If a Christian believes that his life and all its circumstances are in the hands of the sovereign, wise, and loving God who is always working for his good, then he can truly rejoice always.

Submitted by: Annie


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