

A few days ago as I drove down the street, I saw a young rabbit in the median. The rabbit was trying to peacefully nibble on some tender shoots of grass. From out of nowhere came a mocking bird, dive-bombing the poor little rabbit. There must have been a nest nearby that the mockingbird was "protecting". The rabbit took off like a shot.

Have you ever felt that way before, yourself? You were minding your own business, doing nothing wrong, when suddenly someone attacked you mercilessly. It may have appeared to come out of nowhere for no reason. Perhaps the other person was being defensive about something and was on the attack, thinking they were protecting themselves or someone else. Or perhaps there was a more malicious intent. But from your perspective you simply were being unjustly assaulted. There may have been no way to know why the attack occurred. But we can rest assured that God is with us, even when we are unexpectedly assailed.
If the LORD had not been on our side when people attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us. Psalm 124: 2-3 NIV

Back to that rabbit - when it was trying to get away from the mocking bird, it ran across the street, right in front of a car. The car ran over the rabbit - did not hit it, but actually went right over it, with the rabbit passing underneath the car between the wheels. As it continued to run under the car, it was bowled over by the rushing wind, tumbling over twice, and ending up back on it's feet, still running! Surprisingly it reached the other side of the street unscathed. Off it hopped into the distance without a scratch.

Our lives may sometimes feel like this also. We may be running to escape one apparent danger, only to be bowled over by another. We may be knocked off our feet for a while and then get back up running again. But with God's help we can make it through to the other side unharmed, as long as we continue to place our trust in Him. How great is our protector!

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 NIV
May we always remain faithful in the face of opposition, trusting in God's protection and deliverance!
Dear Father in heaven, thank you for delivering us from the attacker. May your Spirit put a hedge of protection around all those who love you so that they may continue to serve you with rejoicing. Help us always to keep our eyes on you, no matter what is happening around us. You are the great protector, and we praise your name forever. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Written by Jan Andersen


  1. I love your messages. You present excellent visuals that will stay in our minds for when we need them.

    Amie Spruiell
