
God Is The Answer To Every Problem

I am so thankful that my God is bigger than any problem I will ever face in my life. Although answers to problems do not always come quickly sometimes, but in due time God brings the answer when we cling to Him and His promises.

My God is all knowing. He understands exactly what I am walking through. I find great assurance and comfort and confidence knowing He holds the keys to whatever you and I are facing at any given time in our life.

In Christ alone I put my trust. He is trustworthy and He is highly capable. He makes every impossibility, possible. He makes every mountain a mole hill. He makes every giant a midget.
Why is it that when we seem to be facing problems, we get overwhelmed and and at times may feel there is no way out. We may feel the situation is hopeless and things may never change. When in all actuality, the solution lies right befor us. God is standing right in front of us saying "lay it at my feet. I will take care of you. Nothing is too hard for me and I will help you. I my daughter, have the answer."

God's promise in Isaiah 33:2 says "O Lord, be gracious to us; we have waited for You. Be their arm every morning. Our salvaton also in the time of trouble."

God is gracious and will find a way out for us no matter the size of the problem. He will extend His arm to us every morning and be our salvation in times of trouble.

Now that is a God worth living for!

Written by Sandy

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