

Father's Day - a time to celebrate fathers. For some this is a lovely day spent with family, or sending a meaningful card and gift and making a personal phone call, remembering what our fathers have done to protect and provide for us. For others this may be a difficult time, remembering a not-so-loving relationship, or abandonment, or abuse at the hands of the one that is normally expected to do the opposite. Father's Day brings up many varied emotions for people.

The best part of this special day is that we all have a perfect Heavenly Father, who gathers us in his arms, gives us refuge, helps us to grow, protects us from evil - giving us the most precious gift of all, eternal life with him in heaven! May we all remember the greatest Dad of all, see him with the awe and trust of a young child, and approach him with much intimacy as our own daddy.

One of my favorite hymns to sing in parts speaks of us as the Children of the Heavenly Father. Read each verse and drink it in!

Children of the Heavenly Father, Safely in His bosom gather.

Nestling bird nor star in heaven, Such a refuge e'er was given.

God His own doth tend and nourish, In His holy courts they flourish.

From all evil things He spares them, In His mighty arms He bears them.

Neither life nor death shall ever, From the Lord His children sever.

Unto them His grace He showeth, And their sorrows all He knoweth.

Though He giveth or He taketh, God His children ne'er forsaketh.

His the loving purpose solely, To preserve them pure and holy.

Lo their very hairs He numbers, And no daily care encumbers.

Them that share His ev'ry blessing, And His help in woes distressing.

Praise the Lord in joyful numbers, Your Protector never slumbers.

At the will of your Defender, Ev'ry foe man must surrender.

Children of the Heavenly Father, Safely in His bosom gather.

Nestling bird nor star in heaven, Such a refuge e'er was given.

Written by Jan A

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