
Personal Evangelism

Personal Evangelism
Recently on a couple of  occasions I have been witness to a practice of Evangelism that to my way of thinking is too aggressive and as a result had negative effect on the person who was being evangelized. It is my thought that evangelism should move slowly and take into account the needs of the person. It should be guided by assessing his or her place on the scale of belief and interest. (However, this is not to say that, in some cases, the person may be ready to move rapidly in learning and accepting Jesus. Therefore, the progression can be much faster for this person.)

I went looking for advice on how one effectively practices evangelism and found a wonderful article. Here is the link for the article if you would like to study this in a deeper way…

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer
to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect
 1 Peter 3:15
It is my belief that no one should jam Christianity down another person’s throat. It is necessary to wait for cues and questions when you are trying to show someone your beliefs and to lead them to an acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and savior. To do it too soon or to show disrespect for what they believe will cause just the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. If your friend holds a certain belief then it is very important to move slowly and with care and respect for what they believe. To ask negative questions such as, “Well what does that do to you?” or “Don’t you think that this is a tall order to follow? How are you doing with that?” with a tone of voice that shows that you think it is all nonsense will just defeat your purpose.

Here is my story. I grew up in a religious tradition that told me that my belief was the one true religious practice that was handed down from Jesus to the apostle Peter and then on through the ages to the present day. I always felt privileged to have been born into such a religion and to be part of the only group who had gotten it right. When my daughter started public high school after elementary school in a parochial school she met some new friends  who were from a church who felt it was their duty to let others know what they believed. I allowed her to attend the youth group because I felt that it was better than some of the things she could be choosing to do. Several months later I became concerned because she seemed to be too into this new church. I felt that it was my duty as a mother to bring her to adulthood in the practice I had been following all my life.
So, one Sunday I decided to go and check it out. I was sure that there would be something to be found there that would give me a reason to deny her association with the new church. Quite on the contrary, I could find nothing to distrust or question. Three weeks later I decided to go to that church myself because of the quality of the messages. In fact, I felt that I was being fed there more that I could remember at any time of my life. My daughter and I continued to attend our old church on Sunday night and go to the new church on Sunday mornings. Never once during the time that she was involved alone in the new church did she ever say to me that it was better than our church. Nor did she attempt to encourage me to come and take a look. That just happened naturally in the passing of time. No one approached me to evangelize me. It just happened that I saw the value and the truth of this new way of looking at who God is, who I am in relationship with Him, and how to worship and be fed in a way that was valid and beautiful. After several months I decided to make this church the ONLY church I was going to attend.
When I said the prayer of salvation I was talking on the phone to a new friend from there. I said, “Karen, will you please tell me more about this “born again thing.” She did, and then she invited me to say the prayer of salvation with her. I was horrified and was telling myself that I was a __________. So, I told her that I was not sure, and she went on to tell me more. Then she invited me again to say the prayer with her. By then, I had decided that there was nothing contrary to the beliefs I already held, and so I said the prayer with her.
I tell you all of this because I also want to add that if anyone had pushed me before I was ready in my heart then I would have run back to my old church dragging my daughter with me. Sometimes people become so intent on leading someone forward that they scare them away. I do know that there are exceptions to this…times when a person may be ready almost immediately.
In the Book of Mark 4:33-34 which discusses how Jesus used parables, it isaaaaa aaaaaaaa aa          aaa ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawritten...                                                                                                                         
33 Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations
to teach the people as much as they could understand

34 In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables;
but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.

Jesus himself did not rush people past where their level of understanding was as He preached to them about the Kingdom of God. He planted seeds in his stories for the people to think about and ponder. This thinking brought people along to realize truths that enabled the seeds He was planting to come to full growth. Some may have been lost, but many did figure it out without pressure and became followers of Jesus.
Evangelism is very important. How dare we keep the good news to ourselves, thereby allowing others who have not received it to perish for eternity? We MUST share what we have been privileged to receive so that others can understand the beauty and importance of being followers of Christ. We just need to do it with “gentleness and respect.”  This is the most beneficial way to exercise your role in the Great Commission.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
 and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8

May you be blessed as you accept this challenge that Jesus has left with us…a challenge to be fishers of men.

Written by Corinne Mustafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

1 comment:

  1. You are so right on. I have been the witness and the perpetrator of over zealous evangelism.It doesn't not reach it's goal unless controled by the Holy Spirit. After all it is His responsibility to convict others. The best evangelism for the average person is simply live your life in such a way that others see a difference and want Jesus.
